Let the games begin

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" She got hurt for loving someone

 who never loved her back "

Jack's POV

Three days after Summer's birthday,I got together with Stephanie.We're in a secret relationship as of now and I'm not sure when I would tell Summer honestly.I'm afraid I'll hurt Summer.

I'm currently sitting in my car while Stephanie is on her phone texting someone.I'm quite curious about her and Summer.I'm not sure if I should ask her about Summer.Should I? Maybe Steph would tell me since Summer didn't.

"Steph can I ask you something?" 

"Sure.What is it?" She replied,her attention on her phone.

"What happened between you and Summer?"

"Oh she told you about me?What did she say?" My reply seems to have divert her attention away from her phone.

"She just told me something happened between both of you,"

"Well,what do you want to know Jack?"


"So Summer and I were friends back in elementary school.We were like sisters but she betrayed me unfortunately.She was popular back then and abused her power.We shared secrets with each other and one day,I overheard her telling her other friends my secret.S-she even spread rumours about me and stole my crush! Despite everything she did,everyone still looked up to her and bullied me," Stephanie was crying by now.

"I-I'm sorry Steph.I didn't know Summer was like this," I hugged Stephanie.

How could Summer do this? I thought she was better than this.I can't believe Summer is this manipulative and deceiving.I'm lucky Stephanie told me this.Despite Summer being my friend,I can't and don't want to have anything to do with someone like that.Summer...I just can't process it all.

*The next day*

Summer's POV

"Guys have you seen Jack?He isn't answering my text or calls.It's like he's avoiding me," I said worriedly.

"I saw him with Stephanie.He replied to my texts though.I wonder why he's ignoring you," Nick replied.

Stephanie.Could she have told Jack?Ugh Stephanie must have twisted the story if she did tell Jack.

"Summer look! It's Jack...and Stephanie? Why the hell are they holding hands?" Claire said.

As soon as I saw Jack and Stephanie walk in the cafeteria holding hands and being all lovey,I could feel my heart shattering.

Tears were brimming in my eyes but I refused to cry.D-Did..I-Is Jack together with Stephanie?Even after I told him that Stephanie she hurt me? I need an explanation.

I took heavy steps towards the table Jack is sitting at-with Stephanie and her minions.

"J-Jack.Can I..talk to you?" I asked him while holding in the tears.

"Okay," and he's back to the first time I met him;cold and distant.

Once we were somewhere secluded,I broke the silence.

"Why?" I asked him my voice breaking.

"Why what?" he stared at me.

"Why are you not picking up my calls,not replying to my texts and with Stephanie?" I tried not to cry as I asked about Stephanie.

I've never been a fan of crying nor showing my vulnerability to people especially those close to me.

I waited for Jack to answer.He didn't for a minute.I was about to ask again but he cut me off.

"You said Stephanie hurt you but it was you who hurt her! How could you Summer?"

"J-Jack,let me explain-"

"No! There isn't a need for you to explain anymore.Just because you didn't like her that's why you blamed Steph and pretended to be the victim.I thought you were better than this.You're a.."

By this time I knew a tear had already roll down my cheek.I wanted to hear what he has to say about me.I know what it is but I want to hear it from him.

"A what Jack?" I asked.

"A-A..a bitch!" Jack said exasperatedly.

And there goes my hand.The aftermath of it hurts so much.I looked at him in the eye with anger.

"Glad to know.Thanks for the 3 years.Hope you are happy with her Jack,"I said,my voice filled with hatred and walked away.

Jack's POV

Ouch.My cheeks stings.I held my cheek as I watch Summer walk away.The person who I've loved for three years leaving me.She did lie to me.I just can't see her like I did before.She feels like a stranger to me.I don't know her anymore.

Wait,did I just say love? No,this can't be.I can't like Summer! She isn't my type and we agreed to not fall each other since we're friends.But now we aren't.

That means I can like her.But how when I also feel something for Steph.I can't deal with this.I'm not going to betray Steph.I like Steph and only her.Summer isn't in my life anymore.We're done.

I went back to Stephanie and reassured her that everything's fine after she saw my red cheek.

Summer's POV

I cried and cried.I skipped school and went to the park for fresh air.I sat on the swing feeling dejected, betrayed and hurt.Jack was someone I had cherished.Someone I've loved as a friend and crush.He was someone who I could lean on when I'm facing any trouble.He was my knight and safe haven.Now,it's just me all alone.

He let me go just like that.He let our friendship go into turmoil.He didn't even bother listening to my explanation.Can't believe that he believed Stephanie who he's known for a few months.

I looked at the picture of me and Jack we took at the carnival, kept in my wallet.From now onwards,I will cut all communications and relations with him.I will only keep this picture of us and burn the rest.Since he hurt me and chose her over the person who has been there for him through thick and thin.

Mending his broken hearts,picking him up when he feels down,helping him in math and sacrificing my time for him.This is what I get in return-betrayal.

If he thinks I'm a bitch,I'll show him one.

Let the games begin.

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