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"He met her 

She did too

She intrigued him

He annoyed her"

*The next day*

Summer's POV

"I made friends with a popular guy and now we're all going to sit with him.He has a clique but only hangs out with them after school.So,I thought we could you know..." And Karen lost me after that.

Meet Karen,she has a curvy body,in the cheerleading team and the girl who I said talked non-stop.How ironic that I made friends with someone who I talked bad about on the first day of school.Karen isn't bad but isn't good either.Still don't know why I'm friends with her.

Then we have Claire.She is also in softball and we've grew closer day by day due to common interests and the fact that she could be my long lost twin.I mean she understands me and we basically love the same thing.I love Taylor Swift and she does too.I love Grey's Anatomy and pizza and she does too.She is the best.

Next,twins.They're Rose and Gwen.Both are the opposite of each other in terms of interests but alike in a way that both are rebels and cool.Gwen is in hockey while Rose is also in softball but rarely attends because she's too lazy.Gwen is like your ultimate girl crush and she loves parties while Rose is the chill and laidback one.

Four friends isn't bad I guess for starters especially me.Karen snapped me out of my thoughts.Gosh,tell me why were we even friends in the first place?We barely have any common interests to be honest.

"Omg here he comes!" Those four words were enough to get my attention.

Who is the 'he'? How come I didn't kno- Oh right,I tuned her out.I decided to ignore Karen's excitement and continued reading my book and eating my lunch.

 "Hey girls.Is it okay if my friends joins us?" someone said.

"You're not wel-" I spoke up but was interrupted "Of course! Come and sit!" Karen said.

Ugh really Karen?

The 'good looking' guy sits across from me.He managed to build a reputation for himself just a few weeks into the new semester.What an achievement.Wait till he knows how large his fanclub is.Oh gosh they're so possessive of him honestly.And I know this because Karen's the 'head' of the fanclub.Damn,this girl is obsessed.

"Hey my name is Jack,"he introduced.

I looked up from my book and nod in acknowledgement.He was taken aback.He looked rather amused?

"Aren't you going to introduce yourself?" He spoke up after I directed my attention back to the book I was reading.

I looked up and shook my head indicating a no.I continued on with what I was doing while he finally gave up and the rest were too busy in their own world.

Jack's POV

"Hey my name is Jack," I introduced myself.

If I'm not wrong her name is... Sam? Or was it Sara? I don't know but pretty sure it starts with an S.

She looked up and nod in response.I was taken aback.She didn't even reply me.Amusing, really amusing.I thought after that incident just now,she would be scared to cross paths with me but here I am facing a girl who doesn't even care if the 'popular' guy is talking to her.Weird.

 "Aren't you going to introduce yourself?" I tried to make a conversation but she only shook her head and continued reading.I sighed quietly.I guess I'll never know her name.

And what's with her and books?

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