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" Amid all the guys

 She only had eyes for him

 Amid all the girls

 He never had eyes for her "

Summer's POV 

Before we reached the place Jack is bringing me,I checked the notifications I got earlier this morning.

Clairebear: Happiest Birthday bbg! I wish we could go out today but Jack had booked you for the entire day so let's celebrate tmr instead. Mwah! take care:)

Gwenny: Yo,happy birthday my sweet summer! I'll join you tmr with Clairey!Have fun;)

Rosey: Happy birthday my summer! Can't wait to hang with you tmr w the rest!! Have fun with JACKKK;)

 I'm pretty sure my face is completely flushed.Oh gosh these girls seriously.They just know how to tease me don't they.Though I still love them so so much.

The guys greeted me as well.I guess Jack must've told them since this is the first time they greeted me in the 3 years of knowing each other.

Jack's POV

Summer we're here.She kept her phone in her purse and got out of the car.I held her by the wrist and led the way to the carnival.Let's hope she likes the surprise.

I spent a lot of time thinking about what to do and what to get for her birthday.I even told her friends that I was bringing her out for the whole day so I could have her all to myself.I don't know why I didn't let the rest of the gang tag along.I just felt like being with her only.

Summer's POV

I discovered that Jack had brought me to a carnival after walking for ten minutes.

It was located right behind a building.The place was huge and packed but enough for people to manoeuvre.I guess that's why we parked further away.Because there's no space.

I squealed and jumped in excitement.I turned to Jack with a big smile,showing my pearly with teeth before attacking him in a bear hug.

He hugged me back and chuckled at my antics.We stayed like that for awhile,enjoying each other's comfort.

After the hug,I dragged him to variation of booths.Food,games and more.I really love carnivals and amusement parks and I'm glad he brought me here to celebrate my birthday.

I decided on a game booth because I wanted to win the penguin stuff toy which caught my eye.It is so cute and looks soft.

The game required me to throw a ball and hit all the cans down in order to win.It took me only a try to do so.

As I played,Jack only stood by my side and smiled.He knew that I could do it and doesn't need his help.Well,he is so right.

Jack's POV

I watched Summer hit the all five cans down in one try.This girl is amazing.I'm really lucky to have her in my life.

She has always been there for me and stood by my side.She has been the one to mend my heart whenever I get rejected.Yeap,the school's heartthrob gets rejected.Not once,but twice.

I studied her side profile.Strands of her hair flying all over the place.How her mouth is set in a thin line as she aims to throw the ball and how her eyes are filled with determination.

Now,I finally realised the littlest details of her.The way her eyes lit up when she sees or does something she likes.How her nose would scrunch up if she is feeling disgusted.How she bites her lips.

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