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"Opposite attracts
  like magnets"

*(Freshman year)*

Summer's POV

Befriend him?! That's the last thing on my mind.He is so full of himself, cold , annoying and just so urghhh!!!

But on the contrary,I wonder what it would actually be like to be friends with an ice prince like him.Hmm.. should I befriend him? But I don't want to make the first move.Oh geez it's not Iike I'm asking him out.I should just go for it. YOLO am i right?Right.

I went searching for the ice prince known as Jack Hayes.Heck,even his first name is the same as Jack Frost.What a coincidence.

"Jack! Wait!" I yelled at him as soon as I saw him.

He turned around clueless.

" I uhh..umm...c-can we talk somewhere if you're not busy?" I stuttered.

"Okay," He replied coldly.


We sat down at the bleachers awkwardly.I avoided eye contact at all costs.This is hard.

Jack's POV

"Uhh..I just wanna say that I want to put everything that has happened between us,in the past.I would like to be friends with you?" I said unsurely.

My head jolted up and I looked at her.She couldn't really see any sign of shock on my face but I'm sure she could tell by my eyes.I stared at her blankly.

Should I be friends with her?What could go wrong right? She isn't my type and she probably hates me and just wants to be friends with me to be civil.

"Okay," I replied her before leaving.

Summer's POV

RUDE.Okay but who walks away like that? Sigh.This is going to be hard.This guy intimidates me A LOT.

I went home straight after the last period.I washed up and did my homework unwillingly.I hate my maths teacher ugh that cranky old lady.Always giving us a hard time.

After doing my homework,I decided to watch Beauty and the Beast.I also debated whether or not I should text him and I did.I mean I should at least text him and let him know I'm really serious about being friends.

Hi - Summer

After the message was sent,I threw my phone on the bed and and I ran down to get my chocolate ice cream before the movie started.I ran like my life depended on it and went tripping down the stairs.Clumsy as usual.

I ran up the stairs two at a time and by the time I had reached the top I wasted like a minute panting and getting myself together.Things I do for food.I loathe running but I love sports.What  a love hate relationship.

Jack's POV

My phone beeped,indicating a message.

Hi -Summer

Hey - Jack

I saved her number as wild summer.I'm pretty sure she isn't sane.

I waited and waited and after an hour or so she finally replied.

Wild Summer: Sup

I chuckled.She sucks at conversations.

Me: What's up?

Wild Summer: My standards

Oh she got me there.This girl is unique and very weird.

Wild Summer: I'm kidding:p I was just watching Beauty and the Beast.

Me: Ooo a Disney freak I see

Wild Summer:  Hey you're never too old for disney xP

Me: okay then

Me: It's late go and sleep friend

Wild Summer: Orites byebye friend

Me: Nights summer

I exited the messaging app and went on instagram.Summer is an interesting person and I really want to know more about her.So here I am stalking her on Instagram.I typed in Summer and found her account.Her username is SummerQ and her bio is probably some lyric since it says 'Sorry the old Summer can't come to the phone right now.Why?Oh,cause' she's dead'.

Damn she is pretty.I didn't know she was this attractive or was I just blind?Anyways,I didn't find her the social kind of type.I mean in school,all I see her do during her free time was reading.Like,every two weeks,she changes books.How can she find so much time to read?Weird.

I switched off my phone and got ready for bed.Today sure was a new one since I'm now friends with Summer.

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