Shooting stars

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She had butterflies in her tummy

 He had none

She fell for him

He never did "

Summer's POV

Oh gosh what do I do? I need to get rid of this feelings.I can't like him! He is my best friend..

"Claire!" I yelled as soon as she answered her phone.

"What omg why are you shouting?" Claire asked annoyed.

" I-I,I t-think I l-like umm uhh J-Jack?" I stuttered.

" Holy shit! I knew it I knew it! Ahhhhhh! " Claire squealed.

Damn there go my ears.

"But Claire it's not good..I can't like him.We promised each other that we wouldn't fall for one another.Our friendship was suppose to be platonic," I said in frustration.

"Oh Summer,that's love dear.You can't stop your feelings from feeling," Claire said.

"I guess I'll just keep my feelings hidden and act like it doesn't affect me one bit if he likes anyone although I feel like I might be affected," I sighed.

"Summer,I'll be here for you.Don't you worry.You still have me,Gwen and Rose by you.I love you Summer.Rest now and don't think too much about him," Claire adviced.

I decided to do my homework and watch Mean girls to get my mind off of him.It did for awhile but I realised,I really can't get rid of my feelings for Jack.Looking back,we shared many great memories together and when I see our picture on my wall,I'm reminded of the things that I liked about him.

Thinking back,seeing him happy makes me happy.Seeing him smile makes my heart beat faster and my mind go wild.I go berserk.Seeing him all sad makes my heart twist in pain.I'll always do anything I can to make sure he's happy.I just don't want to see him sad.Seeing him with other girls infuriates me.Knowing that he likes someone else makes my heart ache.I didn't realise all these but I know now.

How could I be so blind?What if he caught up to my actions? This is so bad.I need to start distancing myself from him before my feelings gets out of control.

It's hard because we text or call each other almost everyday.Not to forget,we go to the same school and have the same classes.It's weird that I have feelings for him.When I first saw him,I bumped into him and he has this cold,arrogant vibe about him.I knew I hated him the first time I saw him.Gradually,we became friends and that was when I start to see his true side.

I misjudged him and I felt so bad.We became inseparable and we had these handshakes,secret hideouts and signals and it was so cool.Jack is actually my the first ever guy friend I made and I've never regretted it.Thanks guys for forcing me to be friends with him.

Goofing around with him,playing pranks on each other is my best activity with him.Over the breaks,I would go to his house and we would build forts.Even though we're sixteen,we're young at heart.When he has problems he's facing,he wouldn't tell me straight away.I have to pry it out from him.At first it was hard but he let me in and I've seen him at his weakest.

It breaks my heart when I see him completely vulnerable.He may seem cold and arrogant but inside he is a total softie.He has a big heart but he is sarcastic and mean sometimes so never cross him.

Recalling all these made me realise that I truly did fell for him.And that I don't want to stop liking him until he really found someone else.My feelings will be kept hidden from Jack as of now.I don't think he likes me but I wish he does.

Jack's POV

I wonder what went wrong.Why do all the girls who I like turned out to be fake.Olive is a bully whereas Hailey leads guys on.I genuinely thought she liked me.Turns out she had a boyfriend from another town and has been flirting with me for like two months now.

I hate this.I'm always making the wrong choices and ending up with heartbreaks.Will there be a day when I finally find the girl?

As of now,Nick is dating Gwen whereas Dylan and Karen are already in a three month relationship.I feel so desperate for love.Maybe I should take things slow.Yeah,I should probably tone it down a little on this love thing and focus more on my studies.

I looked at my phone and decided to text Summer because I'm so bored.

Me: Hey Summer

She replied almost immediately.I guess she isn't as busy as other days.

Wild Summer: Sup

Me: I'm bored:(

Wild Summer: Same tbh

Wild Summer: I've finished my homework and watched mean girls all in a span of 3 hours.Plus,it's only 7!

Me: Haha oh gosh you're so hardworking.You are always so lazy.What's with the motivation?

Wild Summer: Just trying to get things off my mind so I tried to do something beneficial and productive so yea

Me: Ooo I see

Wild Summer: I'm bored ugh

Wild Summer: Wanna meet up?  The usual park?

Me: Finally! I'll buy the bubble tea and you get the chips;)

Wild Summer: Of course!

Wild Summer: See you

Me: Cya

I went to the nearest bubble tea shop which is just around the street.I bought two,one for me and the other for Summer.I walked to the park and waited for her there.

Summer's POV

And I'm ten minutes late.Great.I saw Jack's silhouette from afar and I ran up to him.

"I-I'm s-sorry omg I hate running!" I said while trying to stop the panting.

Jack only laughed at me.I fake glared at him and grinned.

"Why are you late?"Jack asked me bluntly.

"I was buying chips and when I was walking past this shop,I saw Claire with Gavin! So i ended up spying on them for about five minutes and then I walked past a man selling ice cream and I couldn't refuse so yeah," I rambled.

"Did you get caught spying?Oh,and did you buy me any?" Jack asked.

"You know,I'm not always clumsy.And yeah I got your cookies and cream ice cream," I rolled my eyes while handing him his ice cream.

He handed me my bubble tea in return.

"Omg look! A shooting star! " Jack shouted.

"Where where?"

"There,another one!" he held me by my shoulder and pointed to it.

"Make a wish,"he whispered in my ear and my body shivered.

I wish that you will like me back Jack.

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