All you had to do was stay

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"I might be okay

 But I'm not fine at all "

Summer's POV

Finally the weekends! More importantly,Dad will be home after his business trip and Drew is back from university.I can't wait to meet both of them!

I never told anyone that I had a brother.Not even Jack.Neither any of my friends has ever been to my house.Like in my house.They've only been outside.I rather not invite them in,I mean it's like a dump anyways.

I just hate cleaning and plus,Dad is always out and about with his trips and Drew rarely comes home since his college and university is all the way in another state.But now,I'm going to be reunited with them.

Drew doesn't know anything about what has happened and I don't really plan on telling him either.Though, he does know my friends but have never seen them before.He left a few months after I started high school.

I plopped my bag down beside my bed and went to change into shorts and Drew's oversized tee.My shorts couldn't even be seen because Drew's shirt is so big.Suddenly,the doorbell rang and someone was knocking on the front door.I was about to walk out of my room when the doorbell rang again.This person is impatient.I yelled that I'm coming and I ran down the stairs while trying my best not to trip.

As soon as I opened the door,I was faced with Jack.

"Summer.I-We need to talk,"

"About what Jack," I snapped.


"But there is no 'us' ,"

"Summer please.C-can you let me explain?"

I had an internal battle whether I should or shouldn't let him explain.But before I could answer,someone yelled capturing my attention.The voice sounded so familiar.Is it who I think it is?Is that..

"Summer!" I looked past Jack and saw my brother on the sidewalk waving at me while dragging his luggage.

"Drew!" and there I went running,pulling Drew in bone-crushing hug.

Gosh,I missed him so so much.I'm glad my brother is back for good now.

"Drew,I miss you so much you don't even know!" and I started sobbing into his chest.

"Aw princess don't cry.I'm here aren't I?" He said as he put me down.He then kissed my forehead.

"Um Summer,I'll just get going," Jack spoke up.

Right,I forgot he was here.Shit,what if Drew ask about Jack? I can't lie to Drew.He would know I'm lying.

"Oh um okay," I replied Jack.

"Princess let's go in.You have a lot to explain,"Drew said.

And when I got in,I told him everything.From beginning to end.Even about Stephanie bullying me in elementary.I just couldn't lie.

Jack's POV

As soon as I saw her in someone else's embrace,I was heartbroken.I guess I was too late.She looked happy being with him and I guess I should let her go.Maybe,we weren't meant to be.She seems happier without me.I have to move on.

Maybe I should move to London soon.I should just take the entrance exam in advance so I could go back to London before graduation.Yeah,that's probably the right thing to do-moving.

Summer's POV

As soon as I was done telling Drew everything,I was already sobbing.Drew embraced me in a hug and we stayed like that for awhile.I felt safe in my brother's arms.At least I know that he is here to protect me.

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