Best Friends

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"Days turn to months

Months turn to years

Seconds into minutes

Minutes into hours"

*Sophomore year (3 years ago)*

Summer's POV

"Hello Summer!" Jack shouted in my ear.

I shouted back in his ear.We both laughed.

Jack has finally pulled his math grades up and this means that we'l l be having all our classes together. Yay!

After a year,we've grew closer and now we're best friends.Both of us promised not to fall for each other although the chance of us getting together was pretty slim.I mean he is the popular kid and I'm just the normal weird one.

He let me in and we both shared all of our secrets.Crushes and life itself.Jack has a crush on a mutual friend of mine,Olive.She has a petite body and is pretty but her personality isn't.She is in my softball team so I am friends with her in a way.

Though,I hate to admit but Olive isn't the type of girl he should like.I mean it's not like I like him or anything,just that I get bad vibes from her although we're on good terms.I trust my instincts a lot if no one could tell.

I just hate to break it down to him because he seems so in love.What a lovesick puppy.Ew.

Jack's POV

Life couldn't be any better.My reputation is still intact.I'm still the heartthrob of the school.I have a crush on this girl in my Chemistry class, Olive.

She is so pretty and she seems super nice.She's quite short.I think she's around 5'1.I don't know why but short girls are so cute and looks so fragile in my eyes.

I want to confess to her so badly but I need to know if she likes me back.That's where Summer comes in.She says they're in the same sport club so I asked Summer to dig more information on her.I just hope she likes me back.

*After a month*

Summer's POV

" I'm really sorry.I'm sure there are other girls out there.I mean I didn't really liked her anyways.Come on, cheer up will ya," I comforted Jack.

He got rejected by Olive after confessing to her just an hour ago.And since then,he has been feeling so down.

"You know,rejection is a step closer to acceptance.Maybe the next one would actually accept you and have my approval," I sighed.

"You're right.Olive might not be the one.Thank you so much Summer," he thanked me.

We went our separate ways after that.Sometimes,I feel like he's the girl instead of me.Damn,he's even sadder than me when I broke up with my ex like three months ago.

Speaking of my ex,he's such a jerk.Can't believe I even liked him.Gross.He is the epitome of asshole.Not to mention,he has been flirting with other girls behind my back when we were together.He even liked another girl while he was in a relationship with me.

I'm so glad I ended things with him.Also glad that I didn't do any skin ship with him.But our post break up has got to be the funniest thing ever.I broke up with him over text because he deserved it.He was basically cheating on me in the relationship.He begged me to take him back but I refused and blocked him on all social media.Then we had a heated argument and he was so childish.

His comebacks were so lame I laughed at his face.Then he got mad because I was hurting his 'pride' but what do I care.He didn't let my wrist go and held it even tighter.It didn't hurt as much and I eventually broke free.So as revenge,I pushed him to the wall and grabbed his collar and said to never go near me anymore.After three months he didn't and he has been scared of me since then.

Yeah,I took boxing and my Dad was in the special forces so I obviously learnt self defense.Guys are idiots.

Jacks's POV

Sigh,I can't believe Olive rejected me.I mean I'm the heartthrob of the school.How can she not like me? I'm so sad.I've liked her for a long time and this rejection is hurting my heart and my pride.Damn it.Am I not good enough?Do I lack good looks? I think I'm pretty okay but dang this hurts like shit.

I ended up watching Disney movies to comfort myself.Damn Summer.She got me obsessed with Disney.Thanks a lot Summer.

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