Cold As You

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"  Losing him was blue like I'd never known

  Missing him was dark grey all alone 

  Forgetting him was like trying to know somebody you never met

  But loving him was red  "

Summer's POV

Moving on sure is hard.After crying my heart out just now,I started planning on how to get back at Jack and Stephanie.Then,I realised that it was no use.Jack wouldn't care.Stephanie can have him all she wants.I just have to forget about him.Slowly but surely.

Though,I will start being bolder and daring.I will work on my shyness.I want to be more confident.Jack can't bring me down.I won't let a heartbreak get the best of me.But before I do all that,I'm just going to finish crying my hearts out while listening to Taylor Swift and eating a tub of ice cream.

Oh no.I forgot to tell the girls! Shit shit shit.I ran to my bag where I kept my phone.I tried to switch it on but it died.I have to charge and wait before I could read the scary messages that Claire might send.I'm in dipshit.

Jack's POV

I didn't see Summer for the rest of the day.Now,I feel guilty for whatever I did and most importantly say.Summer once wisely quoted from Taylor Swift 'The only words you'll regret more than the ones left,unsaid are the ones you use to intentionally hurt someone.' This hits me.I recalled myself calling Summer a bitch.Oh gosh I didn't mean to.

 I punched my room wall and shouted in frustration.I recalled seeing her face,filled with hurt.She was going to explain her side of the story but I didn't listen to her.I shouldn't have just assumed.I regret it all.I guess anger got the best of me.

I was willing to break my friendship with Summer who I'd known for three years over Stephanie who I only knew this year.I'm an asshole ugh.Great,I'm swearing for the first time.What has Summer done to me?

Summer probably hates me now.I wouldn't blame her though.After all I've said.I should focus on Stephanie now.Summer is my past.I-I need to forget Summer and these weird feelings I have for her.I like Stephanie and not Summer.

I shall erase Summer.

*Present time (Senior year)*

 Summer's POV

Three months left to graduation and I can't wait to get out of this ratchet school! Though,I don't want to part with my girlfriends! I'm going to miss Claire,Gwen,Rose,Gavin,Nick,Wayne and Dylan so so much!

A month after breaking my friendship off with Jack,Rose and Dylan are finally together.I'm so happy for them.Dylan deserves better honestly.I still can't get over the fact that Karen would cheat on someone as sweet as Dylan.Rose is super lucky.

I placed my books in my locker and got out my math textbook.Math starts in ten minutes and I'm dreading to go.A subtitute teacher,Mrs Grand is taking over and she is a cranky old lady.I use to look forward to Math but now I seem to hate it because of Mrs Grand.

As I shut my locker door,I was met with a face.I jumped back in response.


"Hey um Summer,can we talk now?" What does he want?Why now,after six  months?

"No.I'm kind of busy if you can't see," I replied coldly.

Hate to admit but he still looked as handsome as ever.No doubt I still couldn't move on.I kept seeing him everywhere.He even lives two houses down! I can barely avoid him since we have all our classes together except Math because his Math dropped.I even sit right in front of him.

"Summer please-"

" I said no Hayes," I walked off leaving him there helpless.

I feel bad but he made me this way so he have to deal with it.Sigh.

Jack's POV

I stood there helplessly as Summer walked off leaving me all alone.I broke up with Stephanie just yesterday.I caught Steph cheating on me with Evan the school's asshole and also Summer's ex-boyfriend.

I needed someone to lean on.I know what I did to Summer was wrong.I deserve all the harsh treatment I get from her friends and the silent treatment Summer gives me.I feel like a jerk.My friends won't even talk to me except Nick.He just wants me and Summer to be civil again.Claire and Gwen would glare at me whenever I walk past and Rose would just shake her head showing her disappointment.Sigh...

While I was in the relationship with Steph,my feelings for her weren't strong.I didn't feel nervous around her like I did whenever I'm with Summer.My heart doesn't beat faster when I'm with Steph.My breath doesn't hitch whenever I see Steph.When I was with Steph,I felt unhappy and trapped but I was too blinded.I was blinded and I didn't realise I like Summer.

After I caught Steph cheating on me,I didn't feel betrayed or hurt.It was like I expected it to happen.I knew Steph would do something like this.She was always on her phone and was always giving excuses that she was busy whenever I asked her out.

I asked her why she was doing this.She said it was because she wanted Summer to suffer.She didn't want Summer to be happy.Steph knew Summer liked me so she hurt Summer by taking me away from her.Yeah,I know that Summer likes me.Nick told me who found out from Rose.Nick apparently can't keep a secret but I'm glad he told me. 

It all makes sense to me.Summer likes me and she was only looking out for me.She cares as a friend and as someone who likes me.She was always my guardian angel.I couldn't bear that she had to go through so much pain hiding her feelings from me and watch me be with other girls while she suffers all alone.

I wanted to explain and ask for forgiveness from her.I know I'm six months late but it's better too late than never right? I couldn't forget Summer no matter how much I try.She makes me go crazy.She is always on my mind.I was too late when I discovered my feelings for Summer but I'm trying to make amends.Slowly but surely.I just want her to forgive me first.

Plus,I've noticed that she has become closer to Wayne nowadays and I obviously am jealous.I know,I have no rights but I didn't like Steph at all.It was just infatutation and I was trapped in the relationship for three months.I couldn't break up with her because I felt bad and I was a coward to break her heart.It was always me who gets heartbroken so I'm not used doing it to other people because I know how it feels.But not as much as Summer did.

I have to talk to Summer before it's too late.I'm moving to London straight away after graduation and who knows when I'll come back.Dad wants me to train to be his successor to his company so I have to go to London to be trained.I'm going to regret it if I don't get to talk to Summer and seek for her forgiveness.


Sorry for the mix up guys.Karen and Dylan were a couple but eventually broke up.Nick and Gwen are together.Dylan and Rose both has mutual feelings for one another.Again,sorry for the mistake from before!

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