Forbidden Feelings

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" His cold heart melts

She had warmed him

She was his safe haven

He was her knight "

*3 months later* 

Summer's POV

"How are things for you and Jack," Claire asked teasingly.

I rolled my eyes in response,biting my cheeks trying hard not to grin.

"Better than ever.I guess we got so close we can pass off as siblings honestly," I replied her while putting my books in my locker.

" Yeah right.You guys look like a couple instead.I ship both of you together! " Claire squealed.

" That is never going to happen," I argued.

" Yes it will.I think he likes you but he doesn't realise it.Probably blind," Claire said annoyed.

"Summer!" speaking of the devil.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"I need your help.I'm not sure on how I should confess to Hailey," Jack asked,distraught.

"Roses? Or Chocolates? Whatever it is,stay calm and be prepared for her answer okay? Remember,stay calm," I emphasized the last word.

"Thank you Summer! Love you," and there he goes running and leaving me with a wild heart.

"Oh is that a blush I see?" teased Claire.I forgot she was here for a second there.

"Pfft,no," I denied although it was obvious.

Jack's POV

" you like me back?" I asked nervously.

" Sorry Jack.It's not you,it's me.I like someone else,"Hailey replied.

As her words sinked in, I could feel my heart shattering.

"B-But,you talked to me as if you liked me! You lead me on!" I screamed in frustration.

" I-I'm sorry Jack," was all she could say.

I threw the bouquet of roses in the bin and ran to a nearby park.I sat on the swing and let sadness take over me.Why is love so hard and cruel.Every girl I like,doesn't like me back.What's the use of good looks and reputation anyways.

I could feel a presence next to me.As the person sighed,I could tell who it was already.Summer.

She was always there for me as a friend of course.I really appreciate it.She's always comforting me and mending my broken heart.I'm grateful to have such a great friend like her.I love her dearly as a friend.

Summer's POV

I sighed as soon as I sat at the empty swing next to him.Another rejection and another broken heart.

I found out Hailey rejected him after I bumped into her when she walked through the hallway looking down.Never liked her but she's not so bad honestly.I guess since I'm the weird one in this school many people tend not to converse with me besides my friends.

I asked her where Jack was and she just said he had ran off after confessing.This guy and his failed attempts at love.I bought some bubble tea before coming to the park where he always goes to when he's sad.

I looked at him.My heart twisted,feeling pain that he was in pain.He looked dejected.I want to hug him so bad but I've never hugged the opposite sex before besides my Dad and older brother,Drew.So that idea was long gone in the trash.

"How are you coping?" I asked him looking at the sky.

"Not so well,"he replied.

I handed him his bubble tea and he reluctantly took it.He thanked me and took a sip.

I decided to tell him an embarrassing story of mine in hopes to cheer him up.It did.He started smiling and laughing.We took turns pushing each other on the swings and then went to play on the slide nearby.

I wish it could be like this everyday.I don't know why but I feel happy when I'm with him.He makes me feel safe.When I'm having trouble with bullies,he'll step up and protect me although I'm capable of doing it myself but he doesn't need to know that.He is my knight in shining armor.

I studied his face for a moment.His hair tousled as it flies a bit due to the wind blowing past us.His nose sharp and his thin pinkish lips.My breath hitched and my heart beat even faster as I studied his side profile.Jack suddenly turned to look at me and I looked away not wanting to get caught staring.Phew,close call.

"Thank you Summer.You're always there for me.I love you.." I could feel a blush coming up as my heart started beating faster but it all died down when he continued,"sis." he smiled at me.

There I go in the siszone. WAIT! Since when did I care about getting friendzoned or siszoned?

NO this can't be happening! I can't like my own best friend.We promised we won't fall for each other,I promised I won't like him.

I mean I do feel butterflies in my stomach when I'm around him.My heart beats faster when I'm close to him.I shiver at his slightest touch.I get nervous around him.I get jealous when he's around other girls.I feel sad when he says he likes someone else.I feel rejected when I'm nowhere near his ideal type.It dawned on me.I-I...I like him.

I fell for him.



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