Chapter One: The Rase

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The screeming of the many cars gathured their drowns out your own voise as you chear. You are at the Grand Prix with ur frends, and the biggst wun you had evur sean, at that. The stadeum is lined with cars of all ages, all chearing on the rasing cars below. The rasers are just a blur of colers, some bleu, some yellow, some grean. But you are only focused on wun car: his naim is Lightning McQueen. He leeds the pack, in front liek he always is. Someday, someday you wish that he will rase rite into your heart, but thats a long way off.

Still, thou, someday...

"Wow, Y/N, isnt Lightning grate?" Carla asks you. "Hes duing sooooo good!"

Carla is yur frend from car skool. She is pretty, with brite bleu paint and sparklng eyes. Wile she is a fan of Lightning, she dusnt know of your sekret.

"Yeah," you reply with a far off voyse.

"Do you tink he will is saying his catchfrase?" skweels Carla.

"Uh, maybie..." you whispr. Carla probably dusnt heer you. The trooth is that you are luve Lightning's famuss frase, and you get dizzy evry thyme you heer him say it. You imagin him saying it to you direktlie, and you can bearly contane yurself. You try to fokus on the rase.

Lightning is still in frunt, tho the other cars is ganing on him! You call Lightning's naim, you tell him to go fastrer, but he dusnt heer you. He looks beehind him to see a powrfull bleu car rite on his tale!

"Come on, Lightning!" you call. "Come on, come on, come on! You is can doo its?" You pound yur weels into the stands, praeing for sum kind of way for Lightning to get bakk in cuntroll. But it is no yues, as the bleu car rushes forewerd suddnlie and gets ahed of Lightning!!!

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" You screem. You feal like jumpng off the stands and rushng tords yur luv, but Carla holds you downn.

"Its ok, Y/N!" Carla says. "Lightning can gets back in leed!"

Your quivring, but you sloly nod and relacks. You fokus on the rase agen, only to your utter horror and dismae.

Lightning McQueen is sooooo eeger to catch up to the bleu car that he dusnt see were he is going. By the tiem he sees the wall, IT IS TWO LAIT.

He slams headlites-furst into the wall surrownding the rase trakk. The crowd gasps, but nun of them feel the gut-wrenching terror that you do. Lightning McQueen, the invinsibell Lightning McQueen, just slammed into a wall.

He cud be ded.

Yur luv cud be ded.

"LIGHTNING, NO!" you skreem, but too no avale. Lightning is lifteded onto a strecher and is kwite literally weeled away from the rase trakk. The commentaters is going crayzie abowt Lightning's aksident, but you dont heer themm. You need to get down there, down to the rase trakk, to see yur luv.

"Y/N, were are you gong?" Carla skreems. You are moving down, driving arownd the meny othr shokked cars, going down to the trakk. Lightning was on the grass in the middl of the trakk, sportng a seveerlie damged hood and crackd winsheeld. You felt him calling, you NEEDED to be with him...

You make ur way onto the trakk. Far abuv, the commentatereses are puzzld as to why you are down here, but only you and Lightning trooly know why.

"Lightning M-M-M-McQueen," you stamr. You are only inchs from him now. He lookz you in the winsheeld and wisprs,


Evrything went blakked.

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