Chapter Four: The Tawkk

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That nite, u stay in the infurmury. Mater drives you to ur roum and advices you stae in their all nite. He also sayz summing abowt a roommaet but u dont lissen. You can only tink about sally carrera and Lightning McQueen. Burning hatred towaurd Sally runs thru yur pipes. You dont wanna b hear. U wanna b bak in Calfurna w/ Carla and yur other frends. Not some Sally Carrera and...

"Lightning," you sae suddenly as you see the red rase car slowly drive into yur room. He has a lukk of gilt on his faes, wich wus kwite unbekumming somewun usually so confidint and strong. He had evry rite to be gilty, u remind yourself. Dont open up to him, no Mater wut.

"Oh, uh, hi Y/N," says Lightning. "I gess were room mates now."

"Yeah I guess we are lightning," you reply coldlie. "R u fealing any bettr frum your crash?"

"Yes im a lot bettr now, tanks." Lightning crosses the roum and parks on wun of 2 beds. Reluktantlie u sit on the othr bed oppozit his. You gess that if you are to shair a rüm with him you shud at leest tauk.

"So, this Sally Carrera," you groewl. Yur motors grumbel. "Telling me bout her."

Lightning look at u with supreyes but he obliejes. "Well, she...she's she's so nice. She is alwaes ben their 4 me even in darkst thymes. I trus her mor than any1, even Mater."

"Lightning why did u abanden me?"

"Abandon you? Y/N, I wud nevr abanden you. U no that. Me and Sally hav just ben togethr sooo longe that our bond is unbraekabl. Im sry it has 2 b this way butt it does. We can stil bbe frens."

Frends isnt gud enuff, you think. But you hold ur tung. "So about the you think u is up 4 it? Becus im scurred Lightning."

"Why? It seams eezy enuff."

"Because I half to do it with U."

"Woah, harsh," Lightning put his frunt weels up in defence. "Lissen, itll b kwick. All we gotta do in sneek into the Kar Krushing Factury and kill it. Eezy Peezy. Then we can go our seperitt ways. But we nead u for this misshun. Yur the speshal car, remembr? U can do it."

Even as yur wurst enemie, even as you stair at him with hatered, Lightning is so hot. You cant taek yur winsheeld off him he just that hot. He more hot than the lightning of his namesake. He more hot than the sun. You wanna h8 him. But u cant. He's too hot for that.

"Lightning I...Im still mad at u, u know?"

"Yea," Lightning hangs his hed.

"But...i was hoping mayb we can stil b frends. If it's OK w/ u." U still staer direktlie at the red rase car, but its with a diffrnt amoshun this thyme. Insted of hatered its longng, longng to b with ur luv, if onlee as frens. Just,..for now...

"Id liek that, Y/N," Lightning says looking up. "But we can not let Sally know aboit it. She not reddy yet. She h8 you, you no."

"Yeah I no"

U sit in silens for a bit, Lightning seams liek a compleatlie diffrnt car now. Gon is the car who alreddy had a gurlfrend. Gon the arrogint rase car. Wut was left? was a new, frendly Lightning McQueen, with eternal hotness to boot. U luve hum. You always has. But now the fealing was even strongr.

"Well Im gonna go to sleep. Night Y/N," Lightning yawns after awile. He lays on his bed and soon aftr starts snorng. Even his snorng is hot. You wach him sleap for a bit, thnkng, wateing, sighng. It is about midnite wen you finally turn over and fall asleap 2, on yur own bed.

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