Chapter Two: The Infurmury

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"Y/N...Y/N r u okae?" a distent voyse asks you. It isnt Carla, or anywun els you know. It sownds liek it has a slite countree axent. Sloly you open yur winsheeld.

"W-were is Lightning?" you ask. You dont even relize wut you said until it comes out yur mouth, liek sum unseeen forse maed u say it. Sloly u remembr wut happnd. Evrything frum Carla and you chearing on Lightning to him crashing into the wall. You needded to see him, but were was he? Were were u?

"Lightning wil b alrite," the saem countree-ish voyse replys. "We tuck him to the car infurmury. Do u wanna c him?"

"DO I?!" you yell. You staer at the countree-sownding car. He is a toe trukk, with faded brown paent and a misscheevus look in his winsheeld. "Whats ur nam?"

"Tow Mater," he replys. "Ima gooooood frend of Lightnings. Cerrentlie u r at the west wing of the car infurury. Lightning is in the east wing. I can taek u to himm if u liek."

"Yes, pleese you do." You start driving down the hall of the west wing with Mater, who seams like a kind enuff felloe. You ask him how u got heer.

"You blakked out on the rase trakk, and Lightning's krew desided to taek u to the infurmury with Lightning. They felt like their was sum...connecshun betwean u two. Heh. Straynje stuff."

"Y-Yeah," you agreee, thou the connechsun was all to reel. You strive to see Lightning agen, his brite redd painte and glimmring winsheeld, his awsum hedlites and...oh, that catchfrase...

"Well, hear we r!" Mater says, leeving u alone in front of Lightning's door. Sloly u creek it open and pear insyde.

Lightning stands their alone, winsheeld closed. His breething is even, yet lowd. When you entr his room he opens his winsheeld slitely and crax a smile.

"Hey, its you, the car frum the rase," he wisprs. " caem 4 me."

"Yeah," you is replies. "I cudn't bare to leeve u alone liek that." You can't beleev it. Yur ackshully talkng to the wun and only Lightning McQueen,the gratestest raser of them all! This was a privlidge indeads.

"Yur lukky u didnt get hert out their," Lightning says. "You kudda got runned over."

"I had to do it. For u."

You sitt on silense. You stair at Lightning, and he lookz back at u with intensty. You deside to ask The Qweschun.

"Lightning do you luv me?"

"Y/N..." A luk of surpriz crosseses Lightning's fase.

"You knoe my nam."

"Yes," he replies. "And...I do feal sumthing for you, even tho we just met. You caem 4 me when no wun else wud. It meens u trooly caer about me. And I care abowt u. But..."

"But wut, Lightning?"

"I dunno if we cen maek this wurk. I's just... u see..."

"Lightning, tell me wuts rong," yur groing worried. Was summing rong?

"Y/N," he luks u in the winsheeld, shaem crossing his faes. "I have a girlfrend."

You feal a sinking fealinng. "But...Lightning our connecshun..."

"Im sorry, Y/N but I luv her and she luv mea. Idk where I'd b without her."

"What is her nam?" you ask darklie.

"Sally," he says. "Saly Carrera."

You tern away frum Lightning. "So, this Sally Carrera is mor importanter than me. Well, Lightning McQueen, I..." You hold bakk teerz of gasoleen. "I dont nead u. I never havv. I NEVER WILL."

You rush out of the rooom sobbng. How cud Lightning McQueen have a girlfrend? You two wer ment 4 each other, u just new it. This Sally Carrera needed to die.

"Hey, howd it go?" Mater asks as u pass him, but you dont replie. All u can tink abouts is the Lightning. U wud get revenj.

U wud show them all.

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