Chapter Nine: The Biiiig Boum-Boum

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U rush Dowune halwes at sped o lite w doc hudson w bom stapped to bak an hes like "woah guys it jacsun stom"

Jaksun stand in frunt o youguys and he carrying a CAR TRAINKWILIZR GUN NOOO!!!! "End of line, car," he grol and point gun at kightning mcquenn "time 2 dy,"

"NOO!!!!" Dochudson jumo frunt of lightning mcqueen jus in thyme and get hit by the gun? He fall to floar an die. " hart...of kar...krushing......uh," he says. Then he die.

Litning takle Storm wile u taek bom an strap to yur one bake. You two lovers RUSH tord the hart wile jaksin on yur bupper stickies! Everwun is die for you but lightning and u u wunt lettem down no sirree! U get bak 2 entrins and ask litng, "so ware is hart of Kar Krushing Factury?"

"Idk, letsgo this way," repl lightnin mcquean and u driv downn a halwae w jacksin strom stillonyu guys. U driv downn a halwae w jacksin strom stillonyu guys.

Mindless zomby car frum all over the word attac sudnly! Oh no! Lightning punch w tires till they blead bludd and they oil is sooo grose its all over u guys an it gets on yur winsheeld and u blak out and fall ovr but yur ok so its fien.

Lightning you pus thru all the zomby car but keap coming soon u ovrwelmd. Jacksin gets in frunt of the mindless zomby car and laffs, redding his trainkwilizr guns to hit u. He aim at lightn. U get mad. Sooooo mad at jaksin storm so u grab Lightning McQueen and maik a driv 4 it. Accept u dont driv. Becuz of yur speshal connexshun you start to fly! Yur tire fly hi over the zomby car and Jaksun Storjb and u fly and fly an lightning chear.

"Y/N, u can fly?" He ask.

"Its are connecxhun lighn! We do it connexcsun togrther yeah! We did it! Lets crush kar


So then u guise fly aalllll the way 2 hart of Kar Krush Factury. Jacksin growels his moters tho and then he fly 2!! That was real on the unexpect wooaaaahhhh. Jacksin fly fastre dan u cause u r carry bom an yur lightning and he laff at u and fly fastre!

"Yn hit the gas!!! Screem lightning mcqueen."

"Ok i will honey" u say and then fire comes out yer icksaust pieps and u leaf jaksin stom in the dust hahah! The fire turn bloo an u guys make it to the hart u so cloas now u can smell it

U land on the ground in the Kar Krush Hart. Lightning kiss u but u say "litning look.

The generator."

Yeah theirs a jenraitr and it reel big And yuge rite in midel of hart. It is fill of fire and the wirst fart: their was empty husks if Kars that were DED!!! They been kar krush, their souls took out of bodys leeving only reguler cars. The car that hoomins drived b4 there sols got turnes into kars by the Evil Wizzird. But that was long ago.

Ok. Tiem to blow it upped.

"Yn in ordr to blowe up factury u nead to get to the Kar Keush cinveyir belt," Lightnigng ordr. "Get under the Kar Krushing panel and then blo the bom"

"But...i mite b KarKrushed!!" U protes

"U haff 2. Yn...I Love You."

"Lightning McQueen..." Everything stops. Suddenly, the Car Crushing Factory is no longer there. It's just you and Lightning. You reach in...his tires on yours...and you kiss. For the last time. It feels like a race track, like the one Lightning crashed on. Only this one was smooth and perfect. You would miss your love. But one day, you knew you would be together again. If not in this life, then another.

"K i do it noew," u says an go 2 the Kar Krush Cinveyir. It slowly go tord the Kar Krush Panel, witch slams in car and taek there sole away. U step on cinveyir and then...u wate.


"Lightning...i miss u"


"Y/N...i miss u 2"


Lets crush sum car


The factury acksplode. So do u. And litngifn. An everthong.

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