Chapter 1

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(Larissa's P.O.V)

ring,ring, ring

"Ugh." I groaned, who in the hell could be calling this early in the morning? I grabbed my phone and see Nadia's name light up on the screen.

I clicked answer and replied with as much attitude as I could muster in my sleepy state,

"Hello, Nadia. It's freaking 7 am, what could you possibly want at this time?" I growled into the phone tiredly.

"You stayed up all night playing Grand Theft Auto 5 didn't you?" Nadia asked ignoring my question.

"No.... Maybe.... Alright, yes. Gosh! Now can you leave me alone, cause I'm trying to sleep here."

"Oh, you're trying to sleep?" "Yeah." "Well, that's just too bad because, One: I'm coming to get you,Two: It's Saturday, and last but not least Three: 'You' just moved here to London not too long ago, and I want to give you a tour. Now get up because I'll be there in 10 minutes."

I rolled my eyes at my friend's bossiness. "Ugh, fine see you in a bit. Love you." "Yeah whatever, just get ready."

I hung up letting out a loud groan.

Why of all days does she want to go out it's 7 Am on a Saturday for crying out loud!

I got up out of my bed and headed to the bathroom to do my makeup and stuff. I just applied a little bit of mascara and eyeliner. I went to my closet and picked out some high-waisted shorts and a crop top. After I was dressed i threw on my black converse and a silver chunky necklace.

Now I know you're wondering why I'm going through with this even though it's obvious that I'm against this whole thing.

Well, you see, Nadia and I have been friends since we were babies. Our moms were BFFs so we grew up super close and are basically blood.

I'm like the older sister who always ends up being forced to take her sister wherever she wants,even though Nadia's older than me. Nadia's an only child but and has no one to help her in the art of maturing so I'm just guiding her through life.

That's part of the reason for why I came to London. And the other? Well, It's London! Who wouldn't want to move here?

I hear the sound of a car horn beeping outside.

I guess Nadia's outside. I locked up the flat and headed to her car.

"Alright," I sighed dramatically. "Where are we going?"

Nadia smiled at me. "I'm thinking we go to this little coffee shop I found a few weeks back, and then, I guess we could go shopping and afterward I'll give you the official tour of London." She chirped fixing her rearview mirror.

"Ok, I'm fine with everything as long as at one point you stop by a Game Stop." I huffed crossing my arms.

Nadia rolled her eyes but ,gave in. "Alright, fine you game junkie."

I smirked, "What? It's not my fault that video games are my life!!!! Blame Pewdiepie!" I say in a funny high voice making us both laugh.


"Alright, we're here!" Nadia said excitedly exiting the car. I quickly followed after her and we went inside.

"Huh, it's surprisingly nice in here for a coffee shop, it feels all homey," I said in awe and Nadia smiled knowingly. "I knew you'd like it."

We ordered and got our stuff finding a booth by one of the large windows in the cafe.

I had this strange feeling that someone was watching us. I turned my head and see a tall fit guy with crazy curly hair and green eyes staring looking at my best friend.

"Hey Nadia, not to alarm you or anything, but there's some creepy yet cute British dude staring at you."

Nadia perked up at the word cute and began fixing her hair unconsciously as she turned around looking for him "Oh really? Where is he?" Her face lights up as she notices the guy at the other end of the coffee shop. "That is not a cute creep Larissa, 'That' is a really sexy creep." Nadia purred eyeing him.

Slowly the curly headed dude began making his way over to our table, and Nadia turned around looking at me in panic. "Oh my God, he's coming over here!" She shrieked quietly ruffling her hair and wiping imaginary mascara smudges.

"How do I look? Do I look ok Rissa?"

I roll my eyes "you look fine now stop stressing you are getting on my nerves"

"Fine!?!? I look fine!?!? Do you see how sexy he is!?!? I can't just be fine! That wont leave a lasting impression, and he'll probably-

Nadia stopped short as a large paw placed itself on her shoulder. Nadia was frigid as she turned around smiling nervously as the charming, green eyed, dimpled face in front of her spoke.

"Hello love, I'm Harry."

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