Chapter 33

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Larissa's p.o.v

Liam and I sat in silence . It felt like the air got thicker

"so babe what did you wanna talk about"Liam nervously asked I sighed

"Ummm I really don't know how to tell you this or how your gonna take this"Liam smiled

"your pregnant"my eyes widen he smiled and hugged me

"oh my god, I gotta tell everyone you have to meet my-"

"Liam I have to leave London" his face dropped

"oh," he said quietly and scooted away"why is it cause of Nadia, harry Hannah or me?"

" no-no," I say laughing he let out a shaky breathe and join me

"then why?" I sighed and took a deep breath trying to hold in my tears that are threatening to fall

"my sisters need me" I paused Liam grabbed my hand and squeezed it

"what's going on are they sick" I giggled

"yea they are  sick alright" he scrunched up his eyebrows" they are  sick and tired of screaming my name and I'm not there to save them Liam" I busted out in tears he grabbed me and held me 

"my stupid ass mom's bf is beating on them and tou-tou-touching them and my dumbass mom is so clueless to it all like she basically put me out when I tried sneaking them out the house so they can get feed every night" I sobbed in his arms" and my bitch of a grandma won't even take them in all she says is it's not her problem Liam I been hearing that my whole life and I'm tired of it that's why I'm leaving "he pulled away

"ok let me go home and pa-"i shook my head

"no Liam I'm going by myself I'm not coming back"hurt flashed across his face

"what why can't you bring them back with you" I sighed and wiped my tears

"cause Liam I barely have enough money to go home and it's gonna take some time to save up again I'm using my emergency funds to get down there find two jobs to afford all three of us " he shooked his head

"no Larissa I wanna go with you I'll help you, you guys can come and say with me you don't have to worry about anything with I'll take care of you guys" I smiled and kissed him letting my lips linger on his for a couple of seconds

"that's so sweet of you Liam really but this isn't your problem it's mine" he frowned

"any problem of my GF's is a problem of mine" I nodded

"fine then I'm breaking up with you" his eyes flashed yellow" so you don't have to worry anymore" I shrugged and walked away he pulled me back softly by my waist he turned me around

"what no you are not let me help you" he yelled on the verge of tears" please" his voice cracked when he said please

"no I mean moving up here was the biggest mistake I ever did" he gulped hard and sucked in some air

"so what you're telling me you regret all of this" I nodded

"yea" he let me go we stood there awkwardly

"what about everyone they will miss you Hannah will be pissed and plus your still working up with us"I shooked my head

"no I talked to her dad he has everything taken care off" he sighed and wiped his face

"so if this is what you want then I respect that so I guess this is goodbye but know that I'll never forget you larissa," he said bringing his head down to kiss me but I turned my head he sighed

"don't worry you'll find someone better than me that don't have family problems and can be a better gf than I was, "I say trying to convince myself that I right he shooked his head

"I don't understand why you won't let me help you, you can't do this on your own what if your mom's bf hurts you and no ones there to save you" I hushed him

"don't say that everything's gonna be fine it's for the best you're gonna get over me eventually" he scrunched his face up

"Larissa how in the hell am I supposed to get over a break up"I looked at him and shrugged

"go to a bar hook up with some random chick I don't know do whatever you do to get over stuff"he shook his head"well shit Liam I don't know whatever you do is you I don't care"he looked and hurt and looked down"I'm sorry I-" he kept his head down"I gotta go get my bags my flight leaves in less than an hour which means I need to go now" he nodded

"Can I at least come to the airport with you" I sighed he pouted

"fine just let me get my stuff" he nodded and I went upstairs and grabbed my bags and went back downstairs Liam sat with his head in his hands"Liam" he looked up and sniffed while wiping the tears away from his eyes as they pour out"I'm ready" he nodded.

 we walk in silence to our own cars I ploped my bags in the truck and hopped in my car and pulled off Liam tagging behide after 30 mins of driving we arrived at the airport and I still had less than 10 mins before I go Liam dragged behide slowly pushing my bags on the cart"Liam come on I don't wanna miss my flight cause you're being slow" he huffed and walked a little faster I groaned and walked behide him and pushed him and the cart"Liam I know your sad" I kissed his back

"no I'm pissed off cause you won't stop being stubborn" he walked away faster with the cart I just stood there"come on Larissa you don't wanna miss your flight cause you're being slow" he yelled back sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and started walking again

"flight 231 is ready to board"I looked down at my ticket and sighed

"that's me"Liam just stared blankly out the window"Liam don't act like you don't hear me" he remains still"Liam don't act like this"still nothing"Liam" I yelled grabbing his arm and turnning him around people giving us strange looks but I glare at them

"what Larissa you told me to get over you and I am" he yelled back looked at him like he was stupid

"by ignoring me like I'm not even here" he shrugged and nodded

"it's working HUH, I'm not gonna waste my time trying to help when you keep shooting me down every time I suggest some ideas which are pretty damn good if ya ask me" he yelled breathing heavy 

"Larissa you just can't get through that thick skull of yours that you have someone right in front of you who is willing to take care of you and your sister and you're just throwing the opportunity away what kind of person does that" he yelled and turnned his back to me he grabbed a fist full of his hair and groaned in frustration

"Liam I don't need a man to help me this is just what I have to do you may not understand but I had to grow up fast real fast after my dad left my childhood was gone and I'm not gonna sit here and let my sister childhood be destroyed by some dick and my dumbass mother" I heard him sigh

"miss are you coning the planes ready to take off," the flight attendant said I nodded I turn to look at Liam but he was already at the exit he never turned back pick up my bag and went on my way letting a few tears slip out.

ughhh hey guys i felt like this chp sucked like it went so much better in my head oh well i kinda had a small amount of writers block but dont worry hopefully the next chp will be better

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