Chapter 2

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Nadia p.o.v

"H-hi "I smiled a goofy grin.

"Well hi, it's nice to meet you,"He laughed. oh god !his smile it's perfect.

"Hi, how are ya? I'm Larissa,"She took his hand and shook it"And that over there is Nadia,she's a little breathe taking from your almighty looks,"she joked I glared at her. She shrugged, Harry turned back around to me.

Larissa's p.o.v

"Is this seat taking"I shooked my head yes but, Nadia moved over so he sat down seconds later they started talking and being me I felt like the thirdwheel and looked around a saw a girl little shorter than me with red and blue hair standing bored behide the counter. I decided to go and talk to her.

"Bored huh?"I joked she looked over and nodded

"Yea it's been slow ever since last week,"I nodded

"I'm Hannah nice to meet you," she smiled"you dont sound like you're from around here?"

I laughed" Yea I'm not,I'm from Tennessee,USA .My bff Nadia is,"she nodded"Forgive me for staring at your hair but, its so perfect. I always wanted to dye my hair crazy colors like that but, I don't wanna pay tons of money for it,"I sighed

"Oh honey you came to the right person I can do it for you when you want to do it"my eyes widen

"You're serious? hmm, whenever you can would be cool"I smiled"Hey are you guys hiring?"

"Well, I would say no because, I'm lazy to do the paper work .but since you are talking to the manager. I guess I could take you in. just fill this out,"Hannah handed me some papers.

" and bring it back in tomorrow because I'm off the clock now and my bf and his friend are coming in should be right now,"she checked her phone time I looked over towards Nadia and Harry and it looks like they were having the time of their lives I walked back over to them

"Well, Harry having fun with Nadia?"I sarcastically said he nodded"Nice but Nadia did you forget  about me?" I asked her with the same sarcastic tone.

" Your bff since babies moved all the way up here to spend time with you and we were supposed to be spending the day together and it's almost one which means we spent almost 3 hours here,"I crossed my arms. she rolled her eyes.

"I'm sorry for her, Harry she's impatient "I scoffed. harry got up so Nadia could get out"It was nice talking to you,"she smiled. I frowed.

"Nice meeting you, Nadia, mind if I get your number so we can chat more since we ran outta time,"he looked over at me. I fake a smiled .

Nadia tapped in her number on his phone.I turned around and went back over to Hannah but she was talking to some boy with brown hair and blue eyes.

"hey Larissa meet Louis ,my bf," I waved and he smiled.

"hey, Hannah where's my nametag?"Another boy with brown hair in a quiff  and brown eyes came out of the kitchen part.

"Meet your new co-worker guys, Larissa, hopefully, she starts sometime this week,"Hannah said

She whispers"She american guys"I laughed and nodded.

"ohh whatcha doing all the way up here?America didn't give you all your freedom?"Louis joked,I rolled my eyes and smirked

"No I was tired of living down there and I always wanted to live here,My bff lives up here so,"I dropped my voice down low"And hopefully find  a britsh boyfriend,"Hannah laughed. I rasied my eyebrow and blushed

"Well, you have your goals set huh? My names Liam,Larissa"he shooked my hand.

I heard Nadia blow beside me"well I guess I better be going bye guys"I waved and left with Nadia we got in her car and left.

"Whats your problem?"I asked her

"well let's see you being rude "Nadia started.

"I wasn't being rude, it I wasn't the one who sugguested to hang out with her bff then when she see a hot guy just forget that I was there!" I scoffed

"Yea? well, I wasn't ready to go .You could have taken the car keys and left" Nadia said in a duh tone.

 I sighed"Look here smart one, I would if I knew my way around plus you barely even knew the dude and was all up in his face like you were in love,"

"You're just jelly,"she said as she  stopped the car and got out. I didn't even know we were at game stop until she stops

"Whatever we'll talk later,"I  said getting annoyed with her already. I hopped out the car and entered the store

The day everything changed //1D//A.U//*COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now