Chapter 18

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Nadia's p.o.v

I was just getting outta the bath when Larissa came running through the front door.

"Nadia we need to talk," she said pulling me on the couch.

"What's wrong Larissa ?" she sighed

"Ok one why haven't you been texting or even calling me? I was worried about you" I rolled my eyes and scoffed

"umm because last time I checked you weren't my mama" Larissa huffed

"I didn't say I was, and what's wrong with me being worried about you? Nadia this isn't you what are they telling you ?"Larissa shook her head

"Its none of your business" I snapped  she sighed I really didn't feel like arguing with her "so what else did you want to tell me ?" before she could answer that harry walked in

"Hey babe" he kissed me Larissa stiffen up"Larissa how are you, my dear friend? your hair looks nice" she stayed quite

Seconds later my phone went off upstairs "excuse me guys" I say running upstairs.

Larissa's p.o.v

I was watching Harry closely I don't know what happened at the salon but I don't want it to happen again

"Larissa I know I'm sexy but please take a picture it will last looking I promise," he said grinning I scoffed

"You wish" he just shrugs

"Why would I wish when it already came true" I rolled my eyes

"Don't be so cocky," I said glaring at him

"Well I have one so, I mean I can't help it "he laughed I threw my head back in frustration

"what brings you here gocky boy" he frowned

"what the hell is a gocky?" he asked I laughed

"well since your still girly boy and you're cocky I just put the two together and bam gocky boy" harry grinned

"you know if you weren't always on bitch mood I'll say you were cute and funny" I just glared at him

"Heyy guys Ummm my job just called and need me back in, "Nadia said putting her shoes on

"oh ok well I'll just go" Nadia stopped me

"no silly this is the perfect time for you and harry to actually get to know each other" I frown

"oh look at that Liam just text say he wanted to see me" plus your bf is some kind of freak with mood swings. I said in my head suddenly harry hit my arm"owee, what the hell?" he smiled innocently

"I thought I saw a bug I'm sorry" he pouted. I  rolled my eyes and rubbed my arm like I don't even know how to explain the pain" and I don't see what the problem is I'm cool with staying here and getting to know my new bestie"he said in a girly voice see this is why I call him girly boy he came beside me and threw his arm around my shoulder

"Alright then let me get going," she said wrapping her arms around Harry and giving him a quick peck on the lips and hugging me

"don't even think about putting your dirty lips on my cheek "she laughed and left he went to the window and watched her leave he smirked

"so it's just me and you" he started walking closer to me

"no it's just you, I'm leaving what part of I don't like you don't you and Nadia don't understand you can't make someone like something" he smirked

"yea your right she can't but I can I just choose not to I'm trying to be nice" I rolled my eyes and headed in the kitchen to get away from him.

"yea, yea me too" he followed me "why do you follow me ?"

"Why are you always going to the kitchen?" he asked back

"because I'm trying to get away from you and it's a habit," I say grabbing a cup from the cabinet he nodded

"wait I was supposed to be leaving stop distracting me" I pushed past him he grinned and grabbed a coke from the fridge

"I think I know why your always bitchy" I turned towards him

"oh, really why?" I said sarcastically walking back to him

"you need to get laid"my jaw dropped"of course me being nice I could help you with your problem since Liam clearly isn't but I'm taking so, I'm sorry I can talk to him if you like," he said trying to hold in his laugh

"you are not funny asshole," I said turning back towards the door

"I rather be  a funny asshole than a straight-up bitch" he shrugged like it was nothing I stopped in my tracks

"call me that one more time and I'll stab you,"I said walking over to the drawer he laughed.

"what happen to I'll scream"

"ugh I'm not a pu-afraid" I corrected myself knowing Harry he'll make a joke about it

"oh really so you're like a bad bi-"I reached over and grabbed a knife but be for I could actually get him he grabbed my arm and slammed me against the counter

"try that again sweetheart and you won't have a life to go back to"I just stood there trying to process what was going on

"your not normal, what are you?" he smiled evilly and bent closer to my face

"your worst nightmare."

The day everything changed //1D//A.U//*COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now