Chapter 12

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Larissa's p.o.v

"I see you got Ashton's number you have been texting him non stop,"Hannah says ringing my hair out with a towel. I blushed

"yea he's a nice guy" she looked over my shoulder at my phone

"yea, Larissa nice guys don't take about how much they wanna bang you against the wall" she laughed

"ok maybe he's a little flirty" she looked at me"ok a lot but I don't mind I know what I'm doing ok" I snapped Hannah raised her hands in defeat

"hey no need to get sassy I was just saying you're my girl and I don't want you to get hurt" she patted my shoulder I nodded

"plus I see you with Liam anyway" she mumbled softy

"whatcha say?" I turned my head but she turned it back

"nothing" she turned on the blow dryer

Louis's p.o.v

"Liam" I called to him for what it seems like the 100th time I hit his shoulder

"huh," he said snapping outta his trance I frowned

"whats up man ? you have been just outta it every since Larissa left"he shrugged

"it's nothing "he started sweeping the floor

"Liam I can tell you lying plus, I can feel anger and sadness, did you  forget my power" I smirked he sighed

"between you and Zayn I don't know who's power I hate the most," he said running his fingers through his hair I laughed and went out towards the front and saw Ashton smiling while typing on his phone I walked over behind him

"hi, Ashton who is ya texting?" I said while putting my hands behind my back I looked like a kid trying to reason with his parents on why he should get a toy

"Hannah's hot friend" he shrugged"Larissa I think"

"you got her number but forgot her name?" he nodded and shrugged" unbelievable" I mumbled and sat down on the other side off the table liam came out to take orders since the crowd was small ehh he could handle it.

"so do you think it's possible for me to get her into bed" I groaned and I saw Liam sending him a death glare. I heard him quietly growl he must've heard him I got up and walked away

"oh Ashton" he raised his head signaling that he was listening, not to sound crazy or whatever but there's a hungry wolf watching over his mate so you might wanna watch out just saying" he raised his eyebrow and shrugged

"and there's a hungry wolf who wants to get laid" he smirked and patted my back as he went back behind the counter well you can't say I didn't warn him I sighed and went back to work.

Hannah's p.o.v

"alright all done," I said as I finish curling Larissa hair I turned her around so she could see herself she froze"you don't like it do you?" I frowned she stood up

"your right I don't like it......" I frowned harder"I love it!!!!!! thanks so much" she hugged me I let go a sigh of relief "so what do you wanna do now?" I shrugged

"I guess we can chill until Louis comes home because I really don't like being alone in this house" she laughed and nodded"come on let's find some junk food and video games sound good?" she nodded I grabbed her hand and took off downstairs

"alright find a game and I'll get the food" she nodded and started looking I grabbed a big bucket of  chocolate chip ice cream two spoons and went back into the living room"i hope you like chocolate chip"she looked over and nodded I gave her a spoon"omfg you like grand theft auto too"she smiled and nodded I hugged her"where have you been all my life Louis doesn't really like playing with me"

"why?" she asked while taking a scoop of ice cream with her spoon. I shrugged, she smirked

"ok maybe because I  hog the game so what he bought it for me" we laughed and started the game while scooping some ice cream in our mouths Louis came in with Liam tagging behind him

"Hey babe "he gave me a peck on the lips"Larissa" she waved "I see you girls are taking over the game"we laughed and nodded"so Liam and I  are going to get drinks you girls wanna come?" I shrugged

"maybe later you guys go ahead" he nodded.  Liam sat down next to Larissa"ehh it's fine just ignore me and sit by her"I joked he chuckled and came to give me a hug"nice to see you too Liam"I patted his back

"hey Hannah could you come here for a sec?"Louis called upstairs

"ugh" coming I excused myself and went upstairs to see Louis sitting on the bed"yea lou"

"nothing I just wanted you up here so liam can ask Larissa out"I gasp

"you too I thought I was the only one" he laughed and nodded as I jumped on the bed.

Liam's p.o.v

"so you like video games huh?" I asked her she nodded

"yeap, you?" she asked while turning her head to me for a split second I nodded

"who doesn't," I said smiling, she giggled

"crap!!!!!" she yelled then covered her mouth" sorry the only thing I hate about video games is the frustration" I nodded

"yea I know right"alright liam second chance to ask her

"so...." she looked over at me

"Hey Liam I'm ready to go," Louis said walking downstairs oh for crying out loud

"Liam, did you want to ask me something?" I sighed and shook my head

"just you look really pretty today" I smiled she blushed

"thanks" she smiled"you look very handsome" I smiled and said thanks and walked out the door with Louis as soon as we were out of site I smacked Louis upside the head

"owee what the hell Liam"I glared at him"ohhhh sorry"he smiled sympathetically I rolled my eyes and got in the car"you know if you stop being a chicken and just man up this isn't like you Liam your a freaking dog for Pete shakes"I glared at him again" werewolf sorry your suppose to be tough" I sighed

"I know Louis, I know it's just something about her that makes me nerves and shy "he nodded

"well if you don't hurry Ashton's gonna get her"I tensed up

"please don't mention his name around me not unless were at work and I barely wanna hear it then he smirked

"well sooner or later lar-"

"say it and I'll rip your throat out "he laughed and raised his hands in surrender.

The day everything changed //1D//A.U//*COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now