Chapter 30

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Larissa's p.o.v

it was 2 am and I was up playing video games, dont know why I wasn't tired after what I been through all day I mean I kinda took a nap after having sex with Liam,  but that was only 3 hours ago. I was huddled on the couch with my blanket. I looked like a little kid I giggled to myself at the thought. I was playing saints row 3 when I died crashing my airplane.

"what the hell the cheat was supposed to prevent that asshole" I groaned I heard someone laugh from behind me I jumped"Liam, what the hell you scared me" he yawned and plop down on the couch next to me.

"baby it's 2 am what are you doing up?" he laid his head on my shoulder. I opened the blanket and he got in and snuggled closer to me.

"ehh couldn't sleep, did I wake you?" he shooked his head and wrapped his arms around me.

"no, just thought you left me" I giggled

"in my house?" I looked down at him he smiled and shooked his head.

"it's a possibility" I hit his arm he laughed and yawned again.

"Liam go to bed don't you have work tomorrow" he shrugged.

"it's fine I'm not tired see" he smiled big like a kid proving to his parents that he's not tired.

"Whatever you say big guy" he smirked.

"oh god nasty" we laughed he laid down on the couch so he could lay his head down on my lap I ran my fingers over his hair.

"When are you gonna stop cutting your hair? I don't have anything to pull on now" he shrugged

"You should have seen me at 16 it was long and straight" I laughed.

"ohhh now I wanna, do you have any hanging on your wall at home?" he nodded.

"just some not much my mom and dad has most of them, I haven't really finished decorating my house I really just moved in"I nodded and started my game back on"hopefully I can have some help doing it soon" he looked up and smiled I looked down at him and smiled.

"yea hopefully you find someone to help you out "I patted his chest and unpaused the game he frowned.

Ella's p.o.v

I woke up with Niall laying on me awee he's so cute when he sleeps, I hate to wake him up. I saw Mrs.Lambo walk downstairs she smiled.

"Hey thanks again Ella for watching the boys, I didn't want to wake up you guys?" I nodded

"I'm so sorry, I should have told you I was bringing Niall" she shook her head

"don't worry hunny it's fine the boys loved him, I thought you didn't have a boyfriend," she said giggling my eyes widen

"Oh gosh no Niall is just a work buddy and besides he's taken"I mumbled the last part sadly. I really wish Niall wasn't taken by that Savannah ugh.

 I can't stand her she's so fake towards Niall like she's a total bitch to me and probably the rest of his girl best friends, she thinks someone's gonna come and take Niall and which they should she doesn't deserve him suddenly I felt Niall stir in his sleep must be waking up.

"Ohh Ella what time is it?" he said sitting up and wiping his eyes ugh damn you Niall and your cuteness!!!

"Ummm 9 almost 10 "he nodded and got up to stretch I did the same and yawned we stood there awkwardly until Niall spoke up.

"yea well wanna go get some breakfast at The Underground?" I nodded he smiled he grabbed my hand and smiled

"bye thanks again Mrs.Lambo" she nodded and waved goodbye to Niall we walked to his car he helped me in and jogged to his side

"well I would have suggested Nando's but there closed for remodeling," he said sadly and pouted I patted his shoulder

"it's fine the underground has nice food too hey Niall mind dropping me off at home so I can get refreshed" he nodded

"that does sound like a better plan than just going out somewhere wearing the same clothes huh?" we laughed

"I mean not that I mind really I don't care"I nodded after 10 mins of catching up we pulled at my house I spotted my oldest brother Greyson talking mom on the front porch

"Niall you might as well park and turn off the car you know mom wants to see you it's been awhile seen you came over" he nodded.

 really your ass hasn't been over since you hooked up with that fake ass Savannah 

I said in my head. 

man if I spoke my thoughts I'll be in some deep shit right now.

we hopped out the car and greeted my mom" hey mom" I kissed her cheek"Greyson huffed"Greyson my favorite brother in the world" he rolled his eyes I hugged him and kissed his cheek

"Niall my main man how are ya mate, "my brother said they did some kind of bro hug and handshake me and mom just shooke our heads guys I will never understand that

"I have been holding on if that counts,"Niall said laughing

"Greyson stop hogging Niall I wanna talk to him too, "my mom says Greyson laughed and walked back into the house Niall smiles and walked up to my mom

"Mrs.Stout how are you long time no see you get more beautiful every time I see you" she blushes and hugs him

"Mom, since it's my day off mind if I spend it, will Niall you don't need any help with anything today," I asked hoping she says no she shooked her head I mentally sighed in relief.

"ok Niall do you want me to meet you or...." he shrugged

"I was gonna come back and pick you up so you don't have to drive" I nodded

"ok so meet back up in 15 mins" he nodded he gave my mom another hug and kiss and walked over and hugged me waved goodbye at Greyson and left

"Ella is that boy yours yet," my mom said with her eyebrow raised I choked on my spit she laughed I shook my head sadly" El Hunny if you want I can make up some love potion" she nudged me shoulder I laughed

"no mom no witchcraft around me" she pouted"no mom if I wanted to use that I would have banished Savannah a long time ago to some unknown continent" she sighed

"it's that bad huh"I nodded she hugged me"Hunny I'm proud of you that you wanna not use your powers but your gonna have to do something if not Savannah's gonna mark him and it'll be too late" I sighed and nodded"I hugged her back"now go get dress" she playfully smacked my butt

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