Chapter 7

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Hannah's p.o.v*Hannah and Larissa's outfits*

I was in the woods with Louis and Harry hunting

"So how's Nadia?"Louis asked while he was finishing off a man. Harry smiled

"She everything I thought she would be"I laughed

"Well Harold, she is your mate," I winked

"yea but, that Larissa girl is driving me crazy like one minute I think she's cool and the next minute were at each other's throats"Harry shooked his head

"heyy back up off Larissa, she's just protecting Nadia from getting hurt.I  know where she's coming from", I said stand back up

"well, she's clearly making Nadia upset. I  can sense it everytime I'm with her and I don't like it," Harry said annoyed

"I know Harry but we can't do anything about it, it's between them two if you know your mate like you say you do, them you are just gonna have to wait until she realized she might just have to choose" he nodded

"well I loved to stay and chat more but Louis and I have work and Larissa" Harry rolled his eyes"just texted me saying she was on her way to the underground so Harry , take care of this please and thanks" he sighed and nodded.

Louis  and I ran out of the woods towards my house and changed clothes and took a quick shower and headed off to work

40 mins later.....

I was cleaning the counter well trying to with the exception of Louis feeling me up every 5 minutes

"Louis can you please control yourself until we get home" he pouted"don't do that face or you won't get none at all, back to work" he huffed and walked into the kitchen seconds later Larissa pop up

"hey guys," she said.

"heyy Lee-yum your crush is here," Louis said in a sing-song way Larissa turned around. I hit Louis on his arm" what?" I rolled my eyes Liam came out the back blushing

"please excuse Lou he was dropped on his head when he was little"Liam said laughing Larissa giggled

"so Larissa ready to work?"I walked around the counter and wrapped my arm around her shoulder she rasied her eyebrow
"I know what you're thinking and don't worry about the paper work we'll do that later. I need you now, school is starting back Monday and it's going to be busy, Liam will train you" I looked over at Liam and he smiled and nodded

"hey why can't I help?"Louis pouted. I walked over to him

"because your my special little project" he laughed and gave me a quick peck on the lips"alright Larissa let's do this."

Larissa's p.o.v

after two long hours of trainning with Hannah, my brain was fried and I'm still not done. I still have trainning to do with Liam in the back

"alright my turn" Liam said grabbing my hand and leading me into the kitchen"but don't worry back here is easy you will probaly like it back here"

 I smiled and nodded"alright so lets start with naming stuff what this" he pointed to a heated like object

"well I do believe it's a stove" he smiled

"correct I see you know your basic kitchen" I nodded we walked farther into the kitchen "since you're only working with the basic stuff right now I don't really need to teach you anything" I sighed in relieve

"Liam, I need a egg biscuit and two sausages please" iHannah called out"on it!" he yelled back he looked over at me," think you can handle it?"

I smirked and nodded"oh I know I can" he laughed

"well show me how to cut in the oven"I shrugged and look for the buttons for the different eyes(the thing that heat up on the stove)I sighed

"you never taught me how"he faked gasped.
I rolled my eyes

"nice observation, it's like this" he came behide me and brought his arms around me so he could show me.
 "you have to press this button" he rasied his arm
I got a wiff of his Cologne. I never knew how nice he smelt
"and just turn the buttons down here" he pressed closer to me so he could reach the button. "I swore I felt his area on my butt" and vala it's on any questions?" I shooked my head
"good, now get to work new girl" he patted my butt and I jumpped .he laughed and got back to work. after cooking for a hour Hannah wanted me to come out front and take the orders while Louis went back in the back with Liam

"hi welcome to the underground can
I take your order?" I say as I clear my screen for the next person

"yea I'll take the usually "a deep voice said I looked up and saw
Harry on his phone like always

"oh hey girly boy, I like your bandana but, it looks like a tee shirt wrapped around your head, though," I said shrugging he sighed

"Larissa you finally found something other to do then to be in Nadia's business" he smirked. I rolled my eyes" look I'm just here for my food" I shrugged

"eh Louis girly boy here wants his usually"Louis looked through the window and laughed


"don't even start Louis" growled.Louis laughed and started fixing Harry's order

"great now you got him saying it" he growled. "I shrugged

"well I'm only stating the truth" Louis came out and handed Harry's order to me" alright that's gonna be $6.35" he handed me the money and I tried giving him his change

"eh keep you might need it" he laughed and took his food and walked out the door

"asswipe" I mummbled under my breath. I heard  Hannah giggled

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