Chapter 19

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Zayn's p.o.v

I got a text from an unknown number, telling me to meet them in the woods.

don't know what made me come and miss out on my party. I turned off my car and hopped out of the car and walked into the woods. I keep walking until I saw a figure.

"Zayn would ya hurry up I ain't got all day" it was Tuesday

"Tuesday it's almost 12 and we're just wishing for death just standing here this is wolf time and I owe Liam 50 bucks so if he finds me I'm dead" she laughed

"Liam couldn't hurt a fly" I gave her "the are you crazy"look.

"ok you mess with him on a full moon night and you tell me if he's just muscles I learned my lesson from that still got the scares"Tuesday groaned

"oh man up zayn, I need you to do something for me" she pouting her lips

"ok, what?" I shrugged she smiled

"I need to mess with Larissa's head"

I frown and backed away

"no, what I can't, last time I did that I made someone go crazy and had to be sent to a crazy house. I like Larissa she has done nothing to me" she got mad

"well zayn I don't, you do remember who got you to sleep with Perrie from little mix, so I'm sure you owe me one, I can just tell your gf that you cheated on her"Tuesday snapped I smirked

"go ahead she wouldn't care we broke up anyway" she smirked

'awee Zaynie poo I'm sooo sorry if you need anything" she started moving her hand down my chest to the top of my pants and bit her lip"anything just let me know "I sighed

"I'm only doing this because I owe you" she grinned

"And I can cast a spell on you to make you do it" she added on

"you're a bitch you know that"I roughly grabbed her waist and pulled her close

"I prefer witch" we laughed Tuesday started leaning forward I started shortly after and she kissed me I back her against a tree still lip-locked I started kissing down her neck she moaned. I playfully bit down on her bottom lips

"Tuesday not here lets go somewhere more-"

"comfortable" she finished I laughed and picked her up and carried her to my car sharing more kisses the whole way there

Hannah's p.o.v

"Liam where is she why didn't you go get her?" I yelled at him over the music" is the full moon affecting your head? "he shooked his head

"she wasn't answering me so, I decide to leave her alone for the night" he shrugged. I bopped him on top of the head

"It's the moon ok, Liam listen to me go to her house understand" he nodded" good boy" I patted his head he growled

"Just because I 'ma werewolf doesn't mean treat me like a dog," he said crossing his arms

"well you kinda are I'm surprised your hormones haven't taken over"I laughed he sighed sat down"oh god Liam really?"

"no, not yet well not physically "I sighed"but in my mind, that's another story" he smirked I punch his shoulder

"You think she's the one," I asked sitting down beside him he shrugged

"I hope she is, I mean I waited long enough" I wrapped arms around him and gave him a side hug

"me too what do you feel when you're with her" he smirked I groaned"ugh ok your heart nasty" he laughed

"like she's my mate and I love her"I smiled

"I think your right because you won't let any guy talk to her that you don't know, and you been in overprotective mate mod ever since she came into your life "we laughed.

Seconds later we hear loud cheers coming from the kitchen Liam and gave each other confused looks and got up to walk to the kitchen and we saw Louis and Niall having a beer-drinking contest.

 I guess Niall won cause Louis came over towards us with pouted which was pretty cute. i was taking by surprise when louis grabbed the back of my head roughly and kissed me with so much force he grabbed my arm

"You, me bed right now" he threw me over his shoulder and took off upstairs

"Liam go find Larissa apparently I have business to tend to "I laughed Louis spanked my butt as we got halfway up the stairs as I hear Louis telling people to move and I also saw some people being shoved as we entered the room Louis roughly threw me on the bed, jumpped on top of me and went straight for my neck

"good thing was we're off tomorrow and even if we weren't you're gonna be sore in the morning" he smirked oh god the thing about Louis is he means what he says.

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