a/n and shoutouts :-)

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hey guys i just wanna say thanks again for all the reads and votes and i wanna give a big SHOUTOUT!!!!!!!(louis voice) to my amazing peeps that gave me to funny comments Hannah boo aka mrs. tomlinson/co writer (your new nickname dont ask;-)) ella (dont have a nickname for you but its coming lol) and my bae nadia/idea babe (the niall in our narry friendship ;-) lol we gotta find a another nickname hehe)so idek if i should be telling you guys this but your gonna hate me for the ending well ........ maybe maybe not who knowa where it will end ahhaha but this book is slowing coming to an end but dont worry we still have over 20 chps to do hopefully we atleast make it to 60 maybe 70 tbh. i dont really know so but  ima try to update this week so yay!!!!! alright guys bye thanks so much again and LOVE YOU ALL !!!!!!!

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