Chapter 8

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Larissa's p.o.v

After hours of work, it finally slowed down. From countless attempts from random dudes flirting with me, and Liam giving them the evil eye.

Liam, Hannah, Louis and I were sitting down since it was almost closing time and it was very slow the last couple of customers left 5 minutes ago.

"So how was your first day of work? "Hannah asked me as she took a sip of her drink.

I smiled"Well, I got two numbers, wait  make that three," Liam glared over at the papers in my hand

"It was fun met a lot of new people, I enjoyed working with you guys," I grinned. Everyone smiled and nodded "Well I guess I better get going Niall just texted me asking for a ride home, "

Everyone said their goodbyes and walked out the store. Hannah locked up and pulled off seconds later. I was walking over to game stop and saw Liam walking the opposite direction

"Hey Liam" I yelled, he turned around

"Yea?" he started walking towards me

"You're walking?"I questioned. Liam nodded

"Umm yeah" he shrugged"My cars in my garage I gotta fix the engine again," he laughed "I'll be fine"

"You're not taking the bus or anything?"I asked a little concerned.

Liam shooked his head"Don't have any money right now, plus its good exercise"

I rolled my eyes"Wanna ride, I don't mind you are probably tired, it's been a long day"

He shrugged"No like, I said I'm fine it's like 10 minutes away, plus I walk fast" I gave him the "are you serious look"

"Come on," I pulled him with me to game stop as we approached the store I saw Niall talking to a tan black haired boy with tattoos. Niall smiled when he saw me.

"Heyy Larissa, meet Zayn he works at the local bar like two blocks away right?" he looked over at Zayn, he nodded. I smiled and waved"Give me 10 minutes and I'll be ready, "I nodded

"Hi, nice to meet you Zayn," Zayn smiled and greeted me back and did a bro hug with Liam. I started looking around at the different games

Liam's p.o.v

"What are you doing all the way over here mate?"I asked. Zayn shrugged, I diverted my attention to Larissa

"Why else," he held up his video games we laughed"you?"

"Work,"I say as if it was nothing, he nodded.

Seconds later his eyes followed to where I was looking, which was still Larissa as she was bending over to get a better look at the games in the glass case.

"You hitting that bro?" I heard Zayn say. I smirked tearing my eyes from her butt

"Nope, for all I know she's probably taken"I frowned

zayn shrugged"which you never know until you ask"I sighed and agreed Larissa was walking back over to us with a game in her hand

"Niall is it too late to get this" she called in the back he came out

"kinda but since you are doing me a favor its no problem, oh and you don't mind if Zayn gets a ride also, he's coming over to mine" she nodded

"it's fine gosh I wish you would have told me you're having a sleepover I would have brought my pj's"she joked we laughed Niall rung up her stuff and we walked back to the car

"liam mate just ask her"confusion took over me when I forgot that Zayn could read my mind damn.

"I just officially meet her zayn" he groaned and facepalmed himself

"all the better reason to asked her on a date so you can"i nodded

"i'll try"he shook his head

"you are not gonna I'll try"I rolled my eyes and mentally called him a dirty name

"heard that now go" he pushed me to where Larissa was but since he's a little stronger he pushed me harder than he intended and made me trip and fall on Larissa which we both landed with an oooff

"I'm soooo sorry " I looked over my shoulder to send zayn a death glare but he was already in the car he smirked and mouth" you're doing great" while giving me two thumbs up I rolled my eyes and got off of her and helped her up

she moaned and rubbed her arm" it's fine no problem" she smiled even though you could clearly tell it was fake I smiled and helped her in the car I gave Niall a glare for taking the front seat and hopped in the back

"Alright who's going home first" as I was raising my hand zayn slapped it back

" Niall and I if that's ok," he said he winked I rolled my eyes she nodded and started the car and drove off

after saying our goodbyes to all and zayn, we got invited to a party at zayn's next Friday after that I told her my address

"you know you come up here with me i won't bite"she giggled "oh but i will i" said in my head i smiled and climbed in the front i decided to make small talk

"so how are you liking England so far" she smiled

"it's how i picture it amazing"

I smiled "that good I'm glad you like it here" she nodded .come on liam stop being socially awkward and asked her we were like less than 5 minutes away from my house it was now or never

"so Larissa..." she looked over as she parked in front of my house all of a sudden my nerves got the best of me even though she was tired and sweaty possible, but she still was beautiful in my eyes

"how's the weather"she laughed great nice going liam

"pretty nice not to hot not to cold just the way i like "we both nod in agreement. there was that awkward silence that everyone hates

"well I better get going it's late and I was gonna call Nadia about her date to make sure I don't have to kill Harry"I laughed way harder than I should if only she knew I nodded and hopped out the car

"so I will see you tomorrow" she smiled and nodded gosh her smile is perfect. as i was walking backwards i tripped over my trash can she started bursting out laughing and did that little cute thing that girls do when they realized they did a ridiculous laugh

"I don't even know who put that there stupid trash man," I said playing my embarrassment off she wiped her eyes and finally calm down laughing

"yea what every you say, big guy,but yea I'll see you tomorrow"i looked down and smiled"oh and liam here's my number if you ever need a ride or if you just wanna talk"she gave me a piece of paper with her number on it "oh and one last thing liam"I turned around" when staring at a person's ass 50% of the time that person can sense someone staring at them just wanted to let you know" she winked"and you my friend made that obvious" she drove off I felt all the heat rush to my cheeks

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