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Taeyeon's POV

I let out a chuckle and grab the price tag that was hanging inside her shirt. I then gave it to her while smiling. She was just blushing madly as I was giving it to her.

"100 dollars I see" I said as I gave it to her.

Patted her head. Hahaha told ya I can play too. She bravely looked at me and pout while blushing. I admit, she is cute.

"I uhh whatever" she said while rolling her eyes. Now she is pissed. Well who will not? Hahaha

"I'm Jessica Jung" she said while extending her hand towards me. I smirk then grab her hand and shaked it.

I was about to tell my name when someone called my name

"Hey! TaeTae! Where have you been?"
I look behind me and saw Pany running towards me while carrying some shopping bags.

"Uhh here?" I said then looked at the petite girl. She was looking at Pany then looked at me.

"Bye babe" she said then left
Babe again?

Pany tugged my shirt and asked me who was that girl. I just said it was just a stranger. Satisfied with my answer then we went home.



Another follower from twitter.
I have 2k followers and 9 following. I don't know why exactly I have many followers.

Maybe because of my tweets I guess.

I should tweet right now

"But what should I tweet right now?"
I asked no one.

Eyes up here babe

I suddenly blushed of what I thought. It's been a week. And that girl just caught me checking on her but good thing I know how to let it flaw.

I'm Jessica Jung

"Jessica Jung" I whispered. I don't know why but I searched her name on facebook.

I looked closely at their profile pictures.

Doesn't she have a facebook account?

I lay down on my bed then grab a pillow to hug it. Sigh. I looked at the clock and it read 5:09 pm. Well I should get ready now because I have still work.

By the way I'm working at a bar named Makki's Kubo. The owner of this bar is a Filipino.

I was working there since I was still high school. They already accepted me because they were still new back then. And I was one of their first staffs.

I went inside the bathroom and did my routines. I wore my uniform and put my apron inside my small bag and left my apartment.


"Taeyeon! Serve mo yung table na yun"

My boss said. Good thing I knew Tagalog. My co-workers teached me when I started working here.

Their language is so easy to learn. Did I told you that most of the staffs here are Filipinos? No? Now you know.

I grab the tray and then serve it to the table that ordered these beers. I placed the bucket that has 5 beers on it.

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