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Taeyeon's POV

A couple of  minutes, our foods had arrived and a different waitress was serving our table. The waitress that Yoona liked was nowhere to be found.

Yoona was disappointed because she thought that the waitress she like is gonna serve our table but it turned out that it was not.

"Oh Yoona, the waitress must be annoyed" I said then laugh

"Maybe she's shy" said Jessica while chewing some chicken

After hearing that, I laugh so hard then suddenly Jessica kick my leg under the table.

Making me groan in pain. I gave her a glare while rubbing the painful part of my leg.

"You know Yoona-shi, just forget about Taeyeon, I'll help you with that waitress girl" Jessica said while smiling at Yoona

Oh that smile, wished its for me.

"Really, unnie? Omo! Thank you so much. Amd just call me Yoona, no need to be formal, unnie"
Yoona said then grab Jessica's hand and gave it a light kiss

"Yah! Who are you to kiss her hand?"
I blurted out loud. Why the fuck did I just said that?

Yoona smirked and gave it another kiss while looking at me which made me mad

"Im Yoona" I said in a low tone while giving her a glare.

"You know, unnie? Why not make her yours already before someone will take her away from you"
Yoona flatly said and continued eating.

I felt Jessica eating her chicken again. I took a glance at her and saw her blushing because of Yoona's bluntness

Aish! You're a troublesome Im Yoona


"Ah! That was a great meal, right guys?" Yoona said while stretching in front of us

None of us answered.
Well who will? After Yoona made us a little uncomfortable to each other.

"Umm hello? Didn't you heard what I have said?" She asked and faced us

I was about to answer when Jessica said something

"That's the waitress that you like, right?" Jessica said while pointing at somewhere

We followed where she was pointing at saw the waitress. Walking in her casual clothes.

"Unnie! Let's follow her"
Yoona said and started running while grabbing our arms.

I heard Jessica giggled

"She really is serious, Taengoo"
She said and smiled, I also smiled and looked at Yoong

"Okay, she went there"
Yoong said then pointed at a near boutique

"I'll talk to her" Jessica said and went inside the boutique


I looked at Yoong with a raised eyebrow

"You like her ey?" She said then wiggled her eyebrows

"What? No" I said rolling my eyes
Well I just can't say that I like Jessica because we just met a month ago.

But, I admit that I find Jessica attractive. Well she's pretty and hot. Cold but warm.

"Psh! Then why are you smiling like an idiot?"

Yoong said, making me slap her arm
She laugh at me and again, I just rolled my eyes

"If my baby sugar honey sweet love doesn't like me then-"

"What did you just call her? Baby sugar love what?" I interrupted her.

"Uhh baby sugar honey sweet love?"
Yoong said with a confuse face, I then let out a chuckle.

"What? What's wrong with that?"
She asked and I just shake my head and told her it was nothing

"So as I was saying, but if my baby sugar honey sweet love doesn't like me then I'll make Jessica unnie... mine" after she said those, I gave her a death glare

"Don't you dare! She is mine! Jessica is mine, you crap! You hear me!"
I yelled at her while she was just laughing really hard

"Yes Taeng, we heard you"
She said. I was confused of what she meant 'we'

I looked at infront of me amd saw them. Jessica and the waitress girl.

Oh crap

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