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Jessica's pov

Currently, we're on a plane now. Taengoo is reading some book while listening music to her phone. While me, I'm just looking at the window. To be honest, this is my first time riding a plane and  going to a different country. And it makes me excited. 

While looking at the window, I suddenly felt hungry. So I tugged Taengoo's sweater.

"Why? What's the matter?" Taengoo asked as she pulls out her earphones. Looking at me with a confused face as she checks my body like a I have some injury. I let out a small chuckle and gave her a peck.

"You're so cute." I said while fixing her hair and she just smiled at me, pinching my cheek.

"Seriously, what's wrong?" she asked again and cupped my face

"I'm hungry." I said cutely and pouted making her giggle. She called some stewardess and ordered some foods. The stewardess nodded and left, not forgetting to smile to us.

After a few minutes, the stewardess came back with our foods and placed them on the small table in front of us.  Oh, I like chicken.

"Ma'am, is there anything that you need?" The stewardess asked us while smiling. Taengoo just shook her head and gave her a smile. I also smile and the stewardess just bowed to us and left. Taengoo put her book aside and grab some fries.

"Oh, fries. Can I have some?" I ask Taengoo as she chew the fries. She nodded and took one and placed it in front of me. Giving me a grin.

"Say aah?" she said. I was about to eat it when she playfully withdraw the fries. Making her laugh a little. She said sorry and placed it again in front of me. I was about to eat it again but she withdraw it again making me slap her arm.

"Yah! Stop it." I said and slap her arm again. I grab the fries and ate it by myself. She was still laughing, that's why I gave her a glare. She saw me and just smiled, kissing my cheeks softly. 

"I'm sorry babe." she apologized and gave me her cute smile. I can see her dimple showing on her chin. I just giggled and pinched her cheeks.

"It's okay, baby." I said and we continued eating our foods. After a couple of minutes, we finished eating. The stewardess came back and took the plates away and left. Taengoo handed me a can of juice.

"Here you go baby." she said and I took it. I opened it and took a sip. She was drinking some soft drink, after that she put it aside and grab her book.

"I'm gonna read again, okay?" she said while opening her book. I just nodded and put my juice aside and grab my neck pillow.

"Then I'm gonna sleep, babe." I said as I closed my eyes then sleep.

After a few hours, Taengoo woke me up. As I opened my eyes, no one is in the plane except Taengoo and a couple of flight attendants. They were waiting for me? Shit, this is embarrassing. I quickly stood up and said sorry. 

"Umm, sorry for the bother. My girlfriend here is a heavy sleeper." Taengoo said to them and bowed a little. The flight attendants just smiled at us and said it was okay. After that we exited the plane. 

"That was embarrassing." I said as we sat on a chair. We stopped by at a cafe because Taengoo wants to buy some coffee. Taengoo putted our luggage below the table and sat the in front of me. She just chuckled and took her phone out.

"But still, you look cute though." she said and showed me a picture on her phone. It was a picture of me sleeping. I just smiled at the picture and pinch her cheek.

"Delete it, I looked ugly." I said and lean back on the chair.

"No, you're not. You're like the most beautiful woman I have ever met aside from my mother." she said and turned off her phone. Oh, that's right. I have never heard her talk about her mother.

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