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Taeyeon's POV

"I want you"

Shocked was written in my face the moment she said that. S-She wants me?

"W-What did you s-say?"

Fuck it mouth! Why'd you stutter?
Sica raised one eye brow and

"I said I want...Taengoo"
She said and smiled.

She wants me. I uhh gosh I feel hot all of a sudden. Jeshikaaa why are you like that?

"You w-want what?" I stupidly asked again. Sorry, my mind just went black and I don't know what to say anymore

"I said, I want this Taengoo"
She said as she points the menu that she want and giggled.

Okay, calm down Taeng. She clearly doesn't want you.  She wants that fucking chicken and not the fucking you. Got it? Oh fuck it!

"Okay then, ahem, Same as her please." I said and gave the menu to the waitress.

The waitress looked at Yoona who is busy scanning the menu

"And what about yours ma'am?" the waitress asked

"Then mine is...."
Yoona smiled and closed the menu and looked at the waitress


Yoona said giving her sweet smile while giving the menu to the waitress.
The waitress looked shocked at what Yoona just said.

"Please, excuse her. She is just joking miss." I said to the waitress.

Well, Yoona is a big flirt. Flirting who ever she caught attractive, man or woman and I was one of her victims. She flirted with me when she was transfered to our school. But now, we're only friends. More like a mother and daughter.

Yes, Yoona is hot and that but she's not my type. I like short girls, because I'm also a midget. I like the shy type one. The one who looks cold but warm and sweet on the inside.

Like this girl beside me. Jessica Jung.
The moment I first saw her, its like everything was in slow motion. Its like we have our own world. I only see her and nothing else.

Her beautiful face that caught my attention. Her khaki brown hair that I want to touch, her eyes that I want to stare it for a long time, and her lips that I want to kiss it like a million times.

"Well, I'm serious now Taeng. I want her"  Yoona said breaking my trance. Tch this playgirl

"I want you"
She said to the waitress. The waitress just stared at Yoona and gave her a smile

"I'm so sorry ma'am but I'm afraid that I am not one of the menu. So please, tell me what food do you want to eat"  the waitress calmly said

Yoona felt embarrass and looked away

"Then just give me the foods in page 2" Yoona said dejectedly

The waitress nod then went back to the kitchen.

"Ohohoho! The playgirl was rejected" I said then laugh, well this is the first time someone rejected her. And its in front of me hahaha.

"Oh just shut up Taeng. Now, I really want to know her."  Yoona said and sigh.

"Or you just want to play with her, fuck her and then leave her, hmm?"
I said making Jessica nudge at me

"No! I'm serious now. For real!"
Yoona said raising her voice a bit. Sigh

"Liar" I flatly said then took my phone out

"Am not, I am seriously fucking serious now!" Yoona said while glaring at me. As if tsk

"Why don't you give her a chance? I mean, look. She is pretty serious about the waitress" Jessica suddenly said and caress my thigh

Oh stop caressing my thigh Sica.

I looked at Jessica and she gave me a smile. Then I looked again at Yoona who is nodding while smiling. Sigh, well two wins against one, right?

"You sure about her now?" I asked Yoona as I place my phone on the table

"Yes. I am pretty sure, I am serious right now" She sincerely answered

"Promise me you won't do those things again to her?" I asked

"Yes, I promise that" she sincerely said and that made me smile

Even Yoona is a playgirl, she never broke any promises. Yoona is kind and sweet, but only her flirty attitude is ruining her image.

"Okay, I believe you because this is the first time you ever made a promise about not doing those things to a girl. So you better be good or else you won't get her" I said

"Roger" Yoona said playfully

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