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Jessica's pov

I woke up by the smell of bacons. I sat up and looked around, I was in Taengoo's place. Oh yea, I slept here with her on the couch.

"Oh, babe? You're awake." I heard a voice behind me. I stood up and went to her, hugging her back.

"Just wait a little longer. It will be finish in a minute just sit on the chair babe." Taengoo said. I just kissed her neck and sat on the chair that was in front of her.

"You looked hot." I said as she continued cooking. She was wearing her apron and she was sweating. She looked at me and winked.

"I know." She said and let out a small laugh. I just shook my head and went to the couch to grab my phone.

I opened it and looked at the calendar. Her birthday was in two days. What should I buy for her?

As I looked around, her place was quite. How about a puppy? Yeah, a puppy would be nice. I'm gonna get her a puppy.

"Here, eat." She suddenly said while placing the bacon in front of me. She made some toasted bread and also putted in front of me.

She grabbed some toast and eat it. After we ate breakfast, we putted the plates in the sink. Taengoo just told me that she will wash it later.

"I'll just go home, babe." I said as I wear my sandals.

"Why? Stay with me~" she whined and hugged me tight.

"As much as I wanted to but not now babe. I need to do something." I said and kissed her neck

"Ugh fine. I'm gonna miss you though." She said and gave me a peck.

"Me too, baby. I love you." I said and pinched her cheek which made her smile.

"I love you too." She said and also pinched my cheek.

After that, I left. I went to my placed and went to the bathroom to take a shower. After that, I wore some clothes and left my place.

I went to a pet shop and looked for puppies. As I scan the puppies, I noticed one puppy were just sleeping. It was so cute, I asked some assistant and told her that I want that one.

"Here you go, ma'am. This dog is a toy poodle." The assistant said while giving me the puppy. It was so cute and its color was black.

"I'll buy him" I said and smiled.

After buying the puppy, I went home. As soon as I arrived, I putted the puppy down and it started to walk towards my couch and just sleep there.

I just shrugged and leave the dog alone. What should I do? Ah, I'll just plan for Taeyeon's birthday.

I then called appa. As he answered it, I told appa what I wanted to do for Taengoo's birthday.

"What's on your mind?" Appa asked

"How about a small party for her appa. Just the people she's closed with." I said making him agree with me.

"What kind of a party though? Pool party?"

"You know, just a plain one appa. Drinking and stuff." I said

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