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Jessica's pov

Taengoo just texted me the address awhile ago and I am currently taking a shower. Once I was done, I went to my room and to my cabinet and I took out a simple dress that was above the knee. I wore it and went to my full-length mirror to check it out. When I was satisfied of my looks, I went to grab my sandals and wore it. I grabbed my purse then left my place.

I arrived to her dad's company by riding a taxi, I handed the money to the taxi driver and went out. Then I called Taengoo. Once she picked it up, I told her that I was in front of the company already. Then she told me to wait outside.

After a couple of minutes I saw her at the entrance. She automatically smile when she spotted me and I also smile. She went in front of me and hugged me. I also hugged her back and kissed her cheeks. I saw a tint of light pink on her cheeks and I let out a small laugh.

"Come babe." she said and held my hand leading me inside. Some staffs greeted us as we pass them. We arrive at the elevator and went inside. After a minute we reached the 8th floor and went out the elevator.

"Hello, Ms." The secretary greeted her and when she saw me, she made a small bow. Which I also returned.

Taengoo opened the door went inside and I followed. Fuck, I am so nervous right now because this is the first time that I am meeting the parent of my first ever lover. When her dad finally saw us, he gave us a smile.

"Ah, is this your girlfriend? She sure is a beauty." her dad said making blushed.

"Oh I know, right." Taengoo said putting her arm around my waist.

Her dad told us to sit and we sat on his black couch. Taengoo introduced me to her dad and her dad just smiled at me.

"Jessica, what a lovely name you had."

"Thank you Mr. Kim."

"Oh, just call me appa." he said while leaning back to his chair. I nodded and smiled at him.

"So, what do you for a living?" appa asked.

Oh fuck! I can't just say that I sell my body to earned money.

I looked at Taengoo for help. Good thing Taengoo saw it and nodded.

"Appa, do you have any coffee here? I'm thirsty." Taengoo said

"Thirsty already? How bout you Jessica? What do you want?" appa asked me while smiling

" A cup of coffee would be nice." I answered

He went to his desk and called his secretary then Taengoo went near to me and whisper something.

"Everything is gonna be okay, trust me."

I nodded and smiled. The call ended and appa went back to his spot.

"Appa, so.. what happened to your last date? You didn't even finished telling me." Taengoo started making appa rolled his eyes

"Tsk! That bitch. As what I said, she was having sex with my employee." appa said while shaking his head

"And I just found out that she was a slut. Damn. What a disgrace." appa added

I gulped after I heard that. I looked down and stopped myself from crying. I can't cry right now. I felt Taengoo's hand on my other hand and intertwined it.

A knocked was heard and Taengoo stood up letting go my hand and went to get it. It was the secretary holding a tray that has three coffees on it. The secretary went inside and placed the coffees on the table that was in front of appa. Appa then nodded to his secretary, the secretary just bowed and left.

Taengoo sat beside me after closing the door and intertwined again our hands. While appa was taking a sip to his coffee, Taengoo said that we must tell him the truth about me. She also added that she just can't lie to his appa.

"I won't leave you, I promise." she whispered while rubbing her thumb on my hand and I just nodded. I looked at appa as he sips his coffee.

"A-Appa" I called making him looked at me.

"About your question earlier, I earned money by selling my body." I bravely said

He spitted out his coffee from his mouth because of what I just said. He putted his coffee back on the table. His face is full of shocked and I am so scared right now. What will happen? Maybe he'll kill me.

"Stop it. I don't like those kind of jokes." He said and grabbed a tissue beside the coffees.

"Appa, its the truth. We're not joking right now." Taengoo said seriously

"Kid, why would you date a slut?" As appa said the word 'slut' she glared at me.

I avoided his eyes and just looked at my lap. Where Taengoo's hand and mine was placed. I squeezed her hand as I felt myself tearing up.

"Appa, she's not a slut anymore. That was before, she changed." Taengoo said protecting me from appa

"She only want your money, kid. And why would you date this disgusting--" appa didn't had to finished his sentence when suddenly Taengoo stood up letting my hand go and slap his face.

"Why can't you just support me. Why can't you just give us a chance. A chance to explain and a chance to show you that she have changed and how we love each other. I know we just started dating a week ago but I can assure you that our love for each other is a sure thing." Taengoo said as a tear went down to her cheeks.

Appa was silent for awhile and let out a sigh. He also stood up and hugged Taengoo, rubbing her daughter's back.

"I am so sorry, kid. I was just taken a back. It was so sudden." appa said

"No matter what, I'd still support you. I'm really sorry." appa added and let go of the hug. He then went to me and hugged me also.

"I am really sorry, Jessica." he apologized and I hugged him back saying it was okay. He let go of me and went to his chair.

"To the both of you, I am really sorry." He apologized and making a bow

Taengoo went also back to her spot which is beside me and just laid her head to my shoulder and calm herself.

"It's okay, and thanks for giving us a chance." Taengoo whispered but we heard it and I just smiled kissing her forehead. She then laid her head on my lap. I fixed her hair and wiped her tears.

"Take care of her" appa said while smiling. I nodded and also smiled.

So I guess, we're all okay now.


A/N: Hey! I hoped you enjoyed reading this story :) As a promise, I'll try my very best to update as soon as I can. And also thanks for the support :)) and the comments, I like reading all of them. It inspires me to write more. Loveyouuu!

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