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Taeyeon's pov

After that incident, everything was back to normal. Sica is at my appa's company. She is helping appa on his paper works.

I hate paper works because it was boring that's why Sica voluntered herself to help appa. Which made appa love her more than his own daughter. -_-

*ting*   *ting*   *ting*

I checked my phone to know what was it. And it was a notif from twitter. Some people followed me on twitter.

I just scroll finding some interesting part but none. I'm getting bored from twitter. All of a sudden, I remembered the butt profile.  She stopped sending me message when I started dating Jessica.

I typed her username and press search. I saw her profile and was shocked. She changed her profile.

And to believe it or not, it was Jessica's picture. And her header is my  picture.

Let me get this straight. Jessica and the butt profile are one. They are fucking one.

To: Sica baby <3

Come here, we need to talk

From: Sica baby <3

Why? Did I do something wrong?

To: Sica baby <3

No, but still come here.

From: Sica baby <3

Okay. I'll be there in a few minutes.

I lay there on the couch. After a couple of minutes, I recieved a message from Sica. Saying she's on her way.

Then all of a sudden. A knock was heard and I stood up and opened it. Sica was smiling, I let her in and closed the door. We then sat on the couch.

"So, what's up?" She said and hugged me by my side.

I grabbed my phone and showed her the twittet account. She looked shocked and remained silent.

"I can explain." She suddenly said and I just nodded.

"Well, first of all. I saw you on twitter. You looked so beautiful in your profile and I really enjoyed reading your tweets. At first, I didn't follow you because of my profile and bio."
She started and looked at me

Yea, butt has huge effect on me

"Then we met at the mall, thinking of it makes me embarrass." And made me laugha little.

She has a price tag on her shirt and it was 100 dollars

"Then I accidentally followed you on twitter but I just let it go. The we met again, you saw me sucking some guy's balls." She said and held my hands.

"We exchanged numbers and we chatted day and night. I was happy when we started to message each other. I tried messaging you on twitter and you still replied. But after that you didn't reply of what I just message that's why I suddenly called you. I was shocked by my own actions but good thing I have some excuse that I wanted to hang out and you said."
She said and squeezed my hand

"Then we hang out. As we hang out, I started to developed some feelings for you. And all of a sudden you confessed to me and asked me to be your girlfriend." She said and kissed my cheek

"So, it all started on twitter?" I asked which made her smile and nodded

"I love you, Taengoo." She said and kissed my lips and I kissed her back.

"I love you too, Sica" I replied and we both let go each other.

After that, we watched some movies while cuddling on the couch. When Sica fell asleep, I turned the t.v off and also went to sleep.


A/N: Sorry for the short chap. I was so tired. Anyway, thanks for all of your support. Loveyouuu :)

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