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Taeyeon's pov

"I like you too"

As soon as she said that I can't help my self from smiling. This is not a dream, right?

"Sica, can you slap me? It feels like a dream" I said and smiled sweetly.


"Yah! What was that for?" I said and pouted while rubbing my arm.

"What? You asked me to slap you, pabo" She said and rolled her eyes.

"Way to go Jung, thanks for ruining the mood" I said in sarcasm

"Well, its not my fault."
She stubbornly said

"You slapped me!"

"You asked for it!"

"Oi! You two! Quit bickering"

Both of us turned around to where that voice came from.
A short but sexy girl went infront of us. Who the hell is she?

"Hey Jessica, how's life? Still the same?" She giggled and took a glance at me and returned to Jessica

"And who's this? Your new customer? Didn't know that you'll fuck a woman too though." She added and Jessica is still quite. Who is this bitch? I thought she doesn't have any friends.

"Uhh hello? Why aren't you two saying anything? Come on, this is not how conversing is. You need to say something for us to converse." She said and looked at me.

"What's on your mind?" She said giving me a seductive look and wink at me.

"I want to cut your tongue right now and put it inside a jar next to your soon to be coffin."

I said coldly and she was shocked hearing those from my mouth. Who is she to wink at me like that?

"W-Woah, easy there. I won't cause any h-harm you know. I-I was just wanna say hi to J-Jessica here." She said looking at Jessica

I saw Jessica sigh, and touched the girl's shoulder gesturing her to leave.

"Sunny, just leave. We are about to go now." Jessica said but the girl didn't even move for a second and just looked at Jessica with a smirk

"Why Jessica? Excited to get fucked?"
The girl said moving her eye brows up and down. This bitch is gonna-


"What the fuck was that for?!"
The girl yelled holding her burning cheeks. Giving a glare at Jessica

"Excuse me, this is my girlfriend and not my fucking customer." Jessica said coldly and also gave 'Sunny' a death glare. Fuck! I can feel my spine getting cold because of Jessica's glare.

"The fuck? You can't have a girlfriend. You're a slut!" Sunny harshly yelled at Jessica so I slapped her face hard.

"You don't fucking know her! So fucking leave us alone you crap!" I coldly said and pushed her away from us.

A saw her rolled her eyes and groaned. Leaving us alone now. Ah, thank God. Good thing she left or else I should have beaten that bitch already.

"Hey, you alright?" I asked Jessica while caressing her back. She looked at me and gave me a small smile.

"Should we go home?" I asked and she just gave me a nod. A sigh and hold her hand, intertwining them.

A couple of minutes, we arrived at her home. She let me in and now I am sitted on her white couch. Jessica is in the kitchen, making me some juice.

I looked around and no single picture frame was seen. Where is her family? But does she have one? I didn't even heard her say something related to her family.

"Here" I turned around and Jessica holding a tray with two glass filled with juice. I gave her a smiled help her put the tray on the table and we sitted.

"Umm so, welcome to my home" she weakly said. I frowned and sigh.
I can see in her eyes that she was still hurt. That 'Sunny' will pay for it.

"Hey, its okay. I'm still here, I won't leave you" I said comforting her.
She wrap her arms around my neck and hugged me tigh and cried.

"Why chose me? I am not worth it!"
She yelled and cried again. Hearing her cry makes my heart ache.

"Shhh, its okay. I don't care about what she said. I don't fucking care at all." I said and kissed her forehead.
I can still hear her sobbing so I looked at hear and cupped hear cheeks and kissed her deeply.

She kissed me back while caressing the back of my head. Sucking her lower lip I slightly bite it making her moan a little. Before it goes out of hand I gently pulled away, causing her to whine.

"Wae?" She said pouted. Such a cutie, I patted her hand and kiss her cheek then to her lips once more. But it was just a peck.

"Not now, maybe in the future."
I said and hugged her waist. I heard her sigh and hugged me back

"Umm, Taengoo? Why still chose me? Even if I'm so-" I cutted her off by kissing her again.

"Didn't I told you? I don't care, I don't care about them. And beside, you're not like that anymore right? You will change, right? But can you promise me this?" I asked and fixed her bangs and she nodded.

"What? I will do it with all my might." She smiled and kissed the tip of my nose

"No matter what happen, just trust me and stay with me." I seriously said and it made her shy, so she covered her face with her hands. I hold it and intertwined it then giving it a kiss.

"I will Taengoo." she said and gave me a warm smile and kissed me again.

"By the way, didn't know you'd tell Sunny that we're a couple already. I didn't even asked you yet" I let out a small giggled.

"Oh shut up"

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