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Taeyeon's Pov

Now we're laying in her couch and watching some movie, cuddling. I'm hugging her from behind as she laid her back against my chest.

Frozen was playing then suddenly she turned around facing me and snuggled on my neck. I looked at her..

"Why aren't you watching? I thought you love Frozen" I asked

"I watched it like a million times already and yes, I love Frozen but I love you more." She answered, whispering the last sentence but I heard it. I smiled and kissed her forehead.

"You love me so much, huh."
I said teasing her

She let out a small giggle and looked at me, straight in the eyes.

"Yes, Taengoo." She said smiling and I can't help but smile also.

"Hey, remember what I said earlier? When we were talking to Pany?" I asked and she nodded

"Well, I know we just met just a few weeks. Umm more like for a month now, but still I just wanted you to know that I like you much and as time goes by I keep falling inlove with you, I love you Sica."

I confessed and I can myself blushing.
She smiled and avoided my eyes and blushed. She is so cute. I wanna pinch her cheeks and kiss her nose.

"That's so sweet Taengoo. I really appreciate it. Thank you for liking me. For liking this kind of a woman"
She said. I caressed her hair and kissed her forehead again.

"You're worth it Sica. I don't care about your past, all I care is you, this moment with you and in the future with you." I said then kissed her lips which she automatically kissed back.

I caressed her back as I kissed her. Sucking her lower lip, asking for permission to let my tongue invade her mouth. But she didn't get what I meant so I bit her a little. She opened her mouth as she moaned.

I entered my tongue and explored her mouth. Our soft kiss turned into a strong one. She let out a moan when my hand finds it way down to her butt. Oh I love butts, and this happen to be my favorite. Jessica's butt.

Suddenly, I remembered the butt profile on my twitter which stopped me from doing what I was supposed to do.

Why did I suddenly remembered her? And this couple of weeks she stopped messaging me, which is good.

I felt Jessica pulled away from our kiss. And looked at me with a confused face.

"Why'd you stop?" She asked and I can feel that she was a little pissed.

"I'm sorry, I just..."
Of course I won't say that I was thinking about that butt profile. She'd be mad at me.

"You what?" She asked while squinting her eyes.

Should I just tell her the truth? But she will be mad Taeyeon. But if you don't then she will be more mad.

I let out a sigh and looked at her.
Her eyebrow twitched. Just tell her already you coward.

"I just remembered something, please don't be mad" I quickly said and closed my eyes.

I felt a kiss on my neck. I opened my eyes and saw Sica smiling.

"Its okay" she said and hugged me and I hugged her back smiling.

"But we can't continue our session earlier anymore." She added and made me pout

"But why?" I asked and give her a pout.

"Because you ruined it." She said then laugh a little. She turned around facing the t.v.

"Oh, the movie is very nice"
She said biting her lower lip

I just sigh then hugged her and kissed her neck and closed my eyes. I feel sleepy now, so I'll just spend the night here.


*bzzzt* *bzzzt*

*bzzzt* *bzzzt*

I opened my eyes because of the vibration coming from my phone. I groan as I tried finding my phone. I sitted and looked at my phone, just a notif. A notification from twitter.

I opened the app and check what was it. Ugh just a new followers. Should I tweet? As I asked myself, I looked at my surrounding. Still in the couch but Sica is no longer beside me.

I typed "Waking up without you by my side makes me blue." Then tweeted. Seconds later, my followers started giving it a heart and retweeting it.

 Seconds later, my followers started giving it a heart and retweeting it

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I stood up as I ignored the buzzing sound. And went to the kitchen, hoping Sica will be there but found no one there. I felt myself getting hungry so I went to the fridge.

I opened it then found just one milk. And it was already open, meaning Sica already drank it.

I'm pissed. No food and no Jessica. I am so hungry. Where is she? Don't tell me she left me. Where are you now Sica? Not finding any food, I went back to the couch and sat there.

A couple of minutes, I heard the door opened. I looked around and saw Sica having a hard time closing the door because of the things she's carrying.

I stood up and went to her, helping her with the things she bought. As I placed it on the table, I noticed it was all food. I opened it and pull some junk food.

"Yah! Its too early to eat junk foods!"
Sica yelled and stole the food from me. I just pout and she just shook her head.

"Just eat this one" she said handing me some cup noodle. It was Ramen.

I just looked at it then my eyes landed on her. She raised one eyebrow and let out a cough.

"What? Did you expect me to cook for you? Well, too bad for you because I don't know exactly how to cook. Sorry." She said and started taking the the things she bought out and putting it inside the fridge.

Canned foods, eggs and milks. I saw her putting some ice cream in the freezer. And a couple of cup noodles inside the cabinet. I also saw her putting some junk foods inside the cabinet.

I let out a chuckle and just shook my head. Opening the cup noodles and pouring it some boiling water then putting the seasonings and waited for it to be cooked as well.

Well, atleast I know something about her. She doesn't know how to cook that much. But its okay. I still love her.

"So, Sica... " I called her. She turned her head towards me and waited for me to finish my sentence.

"Can I ask a question?" I said smiling then she nodded

"Can you be my girlfriend?"

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