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Taeyeon's POV


Now, I'm checking my twitter account. 3 people unfollowed me. Well who cares.

As for Jessica, we chatted like day and night. She is a stripper in an underground bar. What was it called again? Ah, BehindTheScene.

I never been there before. But she told me not to go there because I'll probably see her there uhh naked. Stripping and dancing or maybe sucking some guy's balls.

That though made cringes. Like eww! Its so disgusted. Did I tell you that I am more into girls? No? Well I am. I admit that I am a member of the LGBT Community.

Well who fucking cares. I don't give a damn shit about it. But thinking about Jessica, I just can't imagine Jessica doing those things.


Remember the butt profile incident? She always liked my tweets. All of my tweets I tell you. And its a little creepy to be honest.

Good thing she only likes it because if she ever dm me I don't know what would I-


Shit. Okay speaking of the devil. She just send me a message. For fuck's sake! Seriously? SHE FUCKING JUST SEND ME A FUCKING MESSAGE!!

I opened it and it read 'Hi ;)'


What the fuck should I do?!
Oh crap. Should I reply? Or not?
Well, one reply should do the trick. I mean what could possibly go wrong?

While typing a 'hello' I can't stop my hands from shacking. Dammit I cannot believe that I'm this nervous.

I mean, come on hands! Just type it already tch.


Sigh!! I then lay on my bed. Ugh my back hurts like hell. I stretch as I yawn.. Okay now I'm sleepy


I opened my eyes and checked my phone.

From: imurebby

Watcha doin? ;)


Okay? Never thought that I would sweat this much but seriously? Ugh
I was about to reply when I noticed that my hands were trembling.

I mean what the fuck? Didn't know that this is the effect of that butt profile to me. What is happening to me? Can someone just tell me?

I took a deep breath and starts typing.

To: imurebby


Yea I know. Plain and boring.
Well what did you expect? Huh?
And sent.

From: imurebby

Wanna do somethin naughty? ;)


Now what? Ugh. Should have said something else, way to go Taeyeon.
I know what she wants. And I-I don't want it. Oh really? Shut up damn it!

While thinking some words to reply, someone suddenly called me. Ha yes! Thank you whoever you are!

I didn't bother to look at the caller id and just tap the answer button.

"Hello!" I excitedly said. There was a short silence then she spoke.

"Are you okay?" she asked concerned
I was confused of what she just said

"Uhh I mean, why are you umm so hyped-up?"

"Oh uhh hahaha sorry 'bout that, umm so yea, what's up?" I said then I heard a giggle on the other line.

"You're weird" she said then laugh

I sigh while shaking my head.

"So anyway, are you free?"
She asked

"Yea, wanna hang out?"
I replied

"Yes. Meet me at the cafe, kay?"
I hummed and she hang up.

I went inside the bathroom and did my routine. After that I wear something casual. A black short and a big sweater.

I looked myself in the mirror then looked at my phone, hmm no sign of that butt profile


From: Jessica

Yah! Where are you?

I think she's gonna pinch me once I get there, I can't help but laugh by that thought. Once again I looked myself in the mirror and noticed that I was smiling.

I brought my camera with me, well taking pictures is one of my hobby. I put it inside my bag then locked the door and left my apartment.

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