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Jessica's pov

I told everything to Taengoo. Last month ago, Sunny texted me to meet up. At first, I hesitate but she said it was important. When we met, she told me some stories which made me mad.


"Jessie, come back. We need you. There are so many people looking or you. Less people are now going to the bar and boss is not happy at all." She said and she pouted

I shook my head and gave her a apologetic smile. She looked pissed and just lean back on her chair. She looked at me and smirked.

"Well, okay. Let's just talk about something else." She said and I just nodded

"I dated a business man, Jess." She started and smiled at me. I just took a sip of my coffee as I listened.

"He was handsome and rich that's why I dated him but sadly he was boring. We only dated like a few weeks then suddenly he wanted to marry me." She said and let out a big laugh. I looked at her with a confused face and place my coffee back to the table.

Why would she laugh? I mean, the guy wanted to marry her which means he loves her. Sunny looked at me while raising an eye brow.

"What? You think I love him? Well, no Jess. I can't be in a relationship. I only dated him because of his money. And I'm a slut. Once a slut, always a slut." She said then crossed her legs.

"But you can change, Sunny. If you really love that person, you'd change for the better. I know you're a good person." I said and smiled

She avoided my eyes and just sigh. She looked at me again

"But the thing is, I don't love him. And he's boring Jess. We didn't even have sex Jess. He's so busy that's why I had sex with his employee in his company."
She said and smiled which made me frown in anger.

I stood up and slap her face but she just smirk.

"How could you?!" I yelled at her. People are now looking at us but who cares, I am so mad at her right now.

"Why Jessie? Do you possibly knew who the guy is?" She asked, still smirking.

"You bitch! The guy you cheated on is Taeyeon's father!" I screamed again and slap her other cheek.

She just smiled and stood up. Leaving me alone in the cafe. I looked at the people around me and glared at them.

"What the fuck are you all looking at?" I coldly said which made them avoid my gaze.

I sigh and went out the cafe. I was about to go home when suddenly someone hit me on the back of my head and I was unconscious.

After some time, suddenly I felt someone tying my hands up. As I opened my eyes, I felt a slap on my face. I looked who it was and it was my boss. I mean, my old boss. I quited my job being a slut but he didn't let me. That's why I never came back there which made him mad.

"Where the hell have you been? You were ignoring my fucking messages and calls. You know I won't let you quit this fucking job, right? But still, you ran away. You know what will happen to you if you'd run away, Jung." He said and spanked me. That's where I realized, I'm naked.

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