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Jessica's Pov

Sigh Where the heck is she?? It's been 15 minutes since we ended the call but still she isn't here ugh


I looked at the door of the cafe and spotted a smiling Taeyeon walking towards me. Well it's about time she showed up. Ugh and why is she so cute.

"Hey gorgeous"

I greeted and smiled at her then she smiled back as she sits infront of me

"Why are you late?"

I said grinning while giving her a pinch on her cheeks

"O-ouch! Yah!"

She complained. Lol she's still adorable though

"I knew you would pinch me but I didn't expect that it would be this hurt damn" she added and I just giggled.

She called some waitress and ordered some black coffee. After that she took her camera out and snap some picture. She captured the plants beside the window.

Hmm. She must be a photographer. After some time her coffee arrived. As the waitress left she snapped some photos of the coffee.

"What?" She asked as she took a glance at me and I just smile

"Never seen a girl who use their camera? Pfft" she added while smirking

I just rolled my eyes at her and took her camera. I observe the pictures she took. Well its quiet cool to be honest.

"Hm not bad"

I said teasing her

She just smiled and sip her coffee. I stared at her for God knows how long.
Then she suddenly caught me staring at her. And yea, I blushed.

She smirk and went closer to me. That made my eyes wide open and blushed harder. Ugh what the fuck are you doing? I can feel her breathe in my face.

Can someone save me right now?
I can feel my heart beating so fast.
Her face is getting closer and closer ugh I'm so sorry Taeyeon, I can't take it anymore. I closed my eyes and then


"Yah! What was that for?"

She pouted cutely while rubbing her forehead. And yeah I slap her forehead. She looks annoyed and I just smiled then giggled

She saw me giggling and also slap my arm. Hahahaha she's so cute

"Oh just shut up now"
She seriously said while giving me a glare and that made me shut up now.

After a minute she laugh loudly like an ajumma. Okay? Is she out of her mind? I can feel the people inside the cafe looking at us. Oh gosh.


I kick her leg as I glared at her

"Yah! What the--" then she realized that people are now looking at her. Pfft. She stood up and bowed at them while saying sorry.

When she sat down she looked at me pleadingly. Asking me to leave this place right now.

I just giggled and stood up and started walking I felt her following me behind.


"Well that was embarrassing ugh"
Taeyeon said as she sat at the ground.
She looked so cute as she kept pouting. Ugh I wanna bite that lip


She asked cutely. And what the actual fuck? Did I just say that? Omo!
She didn't heard me right?

"Uhh n-nothing. Let's just g-go now"
I stuttered while saying that and I started walking again. A little bit faster.

"Yah! Sica! Wait up!"
She yelled and I cringed at what she called me. Sica? And why am I shy? When we first met I called her babe and I didn't feel anything.

But now..

"I said wait up"

She said while holding my arm.
I looked at her confusedly then she gave me a confused face also

She cupped my face and looked straight at my eyes.

"You okay? What's wrong?"
She asked concerned.

What is this feeling?

My heart started beating so fast again and It's like there are butterflies inside my tummy that wants to get out. She is so beautiful and hot. I can't believe that I'm with her.

When I first saw her at the mall. I couldn't stop staring at her. So I went to her. I wanted to know her that time. I wanted to be with her.

I bit my lip as I think those times. Ugh am I gay?

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