Chapter 16: Journey Through the Woods

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We arose early the next morning, with a sense of apprehension at what lay before us. All in our traveling party wished to pass through Briar Woods as quickly as possible.

Sir Gregory still believed Von Dane was up to something and even Brom continued to give him and his men untrusting glances.

This is going to be a long day, I grumbled to myself, as I mounted Genevieve. As we entered the Briar, I felt hairs stand up on the back of my neck and I found myself holding my breath. As morning passed without anything out of the ordinary, I began to relax and I could tell the others began to as well.

Still, as my gaze wandered from the trail toward the more shadowy places of the woods, I couldnt help but wonder what might be just out of sight.

As we rode deeper into the woods, I could almost feel a change in the air. The air was cooler and I could almost taste precipitation on my tongue. The trees grew thicker and blocked out most of the sunlight. I knew we must have been near the heart of the woods. Genevieve whinnied uneasily beneath me and I patted her mane soothingly. I felt eyes on me and looked up. Von Dane was watching me intently a few paces off. I thought he might look away when I caught his gaze, but he did not.

There was steel behind his eyes and he didnt show even a hint of a smile. I thought back to what he had said the night before about protecting me no matter what. In the corner of my mind I couldnt help but feel relieved and then a moment later irritation took its place. No! I told myself. That was exactly what he wanted; for me to trust him. I could not let my guard down. I scowled in exasperation and turned away and refused to look in his direction for the rest of the journey.

Eventually the trees began to thin out and we reached the perimeter of the woods. I almost couldnt believe we had made it unscathed and without incident. Lord Von Dane and his men left us at this point. He said they could not delay for a moment longer and they headed east.

We camped again for the evening. The next morning I said my goodbyes to my new friends and wished them a safe Journey. Liam gave me a big hug and I prayed their family would arrive home safely. Jocelyn insisted they would return for my birthday and that she expected a grand celebration. I told her we would make sure the pass was cleared by then so that they wouldnt have to face Briar Woods again.

We set out at a brisk pace on the return trip. While we had encountered no problems thus far, none in our party wished to tempt fate. Brom rode close and seemed to take in every detail as the ever watchful and cautious being he was. Sir Gregory appeared just as apprehensive as Brom. I knew their uneasiness was not from anything that the Briar might have to offer; rather they were convinced Lord Von Dane would appear from the trees and attack us.

While many questions remained in my mind regarding Edric Von Dane, I did not feel his intentions were so deadly in nature. Although had to admit his departure was abrupt and without much explanation.

After hours of riding through the woods, my backside began to ache and I felt a slight numbness in my legs. While my body protested and begged for respite my fears pushed me onward. My mind was anything but serene with so many questions that remained unanswered.

Without warning, Genevieve reared back and whinnied furiously. Before I could regain control of her she bolted for the thick trees. The woods seemed to engulf us as we headed further from the road. I barely managed to hold on, while in her frenzied state she tried to dislodge me from her back.

Focused on my frightened horse, I did not notice a low hanging limb and felt my head connect with a branch and I was knocked to the ground. I found myself lying on my back and felt pain surge through my body and air seemed to be ripped from my lungs. The tree branches that loomed above me began to spin about, then everything was dark.


I was not certain how long I lay on the ground until I regained consciousness. I was only aware of a throbbing sensation in my head. I felt my forehead just below my hair line where I had been struck by the branch and felt blood. I winced in pain and blinked to try and gather my wits about me. I was alone. Genevieve had seemed to have vanished. There was no sign of the others and I tried not to let hysteria come over me. I saw no sign of the road and could not get my bearings.

I tried to regain my composure as I rose slowly from the ground. My sword had come off when I fell and it lay a few feet away in the dirt. I reached down and picked it up and noticed a garnet stone that had been imbedded into the decorative design on the handle was missing. The sword had been Freddys first sword as a young lad. I used it now because of its lightness and it fit with my smaller frame. I searched the ground and finally found the garnet close to wear the sword had fallen. I deposited the stone into my pocket.

I hadnt any idea where I was or if anyone else would find me and so I decided to keep moving. I lost track of time but it must have been hours that I walked, trying to find any sign of Genevieve or my men. I was hopelessly lost. It was as if the Briar meant to keep me.

Just as hopelessness began to overwhelm me, something about the trees and my surroundings became familiar. I felt as if I had been there before, there was even something in the air that felt familiar. I felt myself go clammy and I pinched my cheeks trying to keep my wits about me. The realization struck me so forcefully that I stopped in my tracks. I was in the same place as I had been in my dreams.

Shaking, I forced myself to continue on. I followed a trail of fallen decayed leaves and twigs. I came to where low-lying branches hung over the trail. I ducked under them the best I could and just as I stepped clear of the bows an old cottage came into view.

The exterior was made of stone of all shapes and sizes. A thatched roof with a quaint chimney adorned the top. I saw wisps of smoke emerging from the chimney and the realization that someone was there did not frighten me rather I felt relief in knowing I wasnt alone anymore. Around the perimeter of the cottage was a rickety old fence.

As I approached the cottage, I spotted an old gate and to my amazement it slowly opened as I approached. I hesitated for a moment and then continued toward the front door. I followed a cobblestone path that was mostly covered with dirt and moss until I reached the steps.

A feeling that I was expected came over me, and before I could think further on it the door opened. The old woman from my dreams stood before me. Only this time she wore no cloak and while her piercing blue eyes remained the same, for the first time I could see her face clearly. Her skin was clear and soft, only a few wrinkles at the corner of her eyes revealed her age, along with her silver hair that lay plaited and draped over her shoulder.

She smiled and said in a pleasant voice, "Well come in Thea, my dear. You are just in time for supper."

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