Chapter 25: Whitestone

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My initial fear and sense of betrayal at being captured by Edric Von Dane slowly faded and I felt helpless fury replace my conflicting emotions. To think I was actually beginning to trust the man. How could I have been so foolish? He had being deceiving me from the beginning.

He said nothing for a time, but simply stood there by the bed in the dark room. The only light was from a candelabra he held in his hand, bathing him in a glow of light.

I became aware that my breathing was erratic and out of habit searched for my dagger, only to remember it was gone. He'd taken it.

As if reading my mind, Edric explained. "If you are looking for your knife, I have it in my possession. I assure you, taking your weapon was for your own protection. I feared you might become unreasonable when you woke and found yourself in my home. I know how impulsive you can be and well... I didn't want you to hurt yourself especially in your current condition."

Glaring at him I propped myself up on my elbows, as lifting my head any higher was nearly impossible with the room spinning about.

Setting the candelabra down on a small table, he then cautiously moved toward me and slowly sat down on the edge of the four poster bed. Stiffening I replied, "I don't believe you. You think by taking my weapon I'm defenseless? "

I meant to kick him and then try and make a run for it. Even though the rational part of me knew I would never make it, the fighter in me had to do something and it seemed all logic had fled. Somehow he seemed to know exactly what I intended, before my foot could even make contact he had me pinned down beneath him.

I tried to dislodge him but he was to strong. I felt like retching and my head throbbed in painful protest at the movement. It was no use; even if I could somehow incapacitate him I couldn't even make it to the door in my condition. I was at his mercy and I felt tears stream down my face at my helplessness.

"Thea, you hit your head quite hard when you fell. Moving will only make it worse. You must rest and stop fighting me." He insisted sternly. Noticing my tears his features softened and he added. "You can trust me Thea." He smoothed my unruly hair back from my face. The movement made me flinch, and I couldn't help but notice a hurt expression in his eyes.

Knowing I was not capable of getting up, he released me and sat back on the edge of the bed. "I can't trust anyone." I said more to myself than to him. I felt defeated and added. "Why don't you just be done with it? Whatever you have planned for me, do me a kindness and just get it over with."

"My only plan, as it has always been, is to protect you and keep you safe." He sounded remorseful as he spoke softly. "I don't know what else I might possibly do to convince you of that. To convince you that I'm not the horrible person you think me to be."

"Abducting me certainly won't help your cause."I closed my eyes hoping the ache in my head would subside. Then I remembered Brom. "What did you do to him?"

Forcing myself to look at Lord Von Dane, I waited for his reply. He raised an eyebrow in question. "You may have to clarify, as I'm not certain of to whom you are speaking."

"Brom Randolph, what have you done to him?" My voice trembled.

"Done to him? He is well enough I promise you." He replied nonchalantly as if it were nothing of consequence.

Then a thought drifted through my mind. I remembered how bristly and cold he and Broms few exchanges had been. They did not like each other I knew. That couldn't have been anything to do with me I was sure. Wasn't I?

I commented. "Well, I certainly appreciate your regard for his well being; funny you werent as concerned for mine." For emphasis I brought a hand to the painful bump on the back of my head and winced.

"I deeply regret your injury. My man was to make certain no harm came to you. He has been reprimanded for his carelessness. If we had a little more time, I would have handled the situation differently. Alas, we only discovered the plot for your abduction earlier this afternoon. We had to act quickly. Thanks to your impetuous nature, you did most of the work for us by placing yourself in a more accessible situation. If we'd had to sneak into Dilston Manor, it would have been much more difficult..."He trailed off when he noticed my confused expression.

My foggy mind tried to comprehend what he was telling me. "Are you saying that you abducted me to keep me from being abducted?"

"I wouldn't necessarily say it in those words, but more or less; yes that is what I meant to do." He cleared his throat and then opened his mouth to explain further. Before he said anything he was interrupted.

A female voice spoke and I remembered that someone else had been in the room with Edric.

"My dear, I do believe you are troubling Thea and right now she needs to rest. Why don't we hold all explanations until she is feeling better?" the woman moved closer to the bed and the light from the candelabra glowed softly over her countenance revealing Lady Von Dane, Edrics mother.

I had not seen her for nearly ten years. Although she looked older, she was as I remembered her from all those years ago.

"Mother I do not wish to upset Thea; I am only trying to help her understand so she will calm down." Edric replied. Turning to me he said. "Thea, mother is right, you need to rest and let us tend to your injury. I know you have many unanswered questions and I will give the answers that I am able to when you feel better." Moving closer to me, he took a hold of my hand gently in his. "You are safe here, I give you my word."

I closed my eyes and tried to calm calm down. I thought back to what Fern had told me; that I needed to trust my instincts. For some reason the knowledge that I was in the Von Danes home made me feel safe.

I became aware that Edric had let go of my hand and stood. I felt a hand on my forehead. Opening my eyes I saw it was Lady Von Dane leaning over me.

She smiled kindly and said, "I am glad to have you in my home after all these years. You have grown into a beautiful and strong woman. I know your mother would be extremely proud of you." With her last words she left the room. I realized then that Edric had already left as well.

After they were gone, I found I could not keep my eyes open and I drifted off to sleep.

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