Chapter 30: Warrick

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The next morning, I found myself searching everywhere for Brom. It had occurred to me when I awoke, that I had not seen him the day before; between the commotion my return had caused and my exhaustion, I had not realized he wasn't present.

When I couldn't find him inside the manor, I headed for the tilt yard. I was certain he would most likely be training with the new men.

As I approached, I could hear men training and the familiar clank of metal on metal. I watched for a time as two of Brom's recruits spared with one another. Brom, however, was not the one critiquing their form and shouting direction to improve their skill; rather their trainer was Warrick. The other recruits stood watching from the sidelines.

I scratched my head in confusion. Why was Warrick training? He too was one of the recruits.

Where were Brom and Sir Raulf? Curious, I watched the men spar for a time and was amazed at their improvement. Warrick seemed to know exactly what he was doing.

Something was not adding up. It was quite apparent that Warrick had not been completely forth coming about who he was.

I waited until the training was over and approached Warrick as the men began to disperse. Warrick seeing me waved me over to him.

"How are you fairing this morning, my dear." He asked pleasantly. "I can't tell you what a relief it is to see you and know you are all right." He smiled kindly at me.

Biting my lip nervously, I merely shook my head in acknowledgement. My confusion must have been apparent for Warrick asked.

"Is something the matter my lady?"

I hesitated a moment and then said. "I have been looking everywhere for Brom Randolf and he seems to have disappeared. I thought he might be here; training."

"He is not here, he left two days ago." Warrick explained.

"What do you mean left? He's gone? Is he coming back?" I suddenly felt distressed. Had he decided he'd had enough and abandoned us?

"Oh, he hasn't left for good my lady. He was sent on an errand, but will be back soon enough." He informed me.

"What sort of errand? Who sent him?" I questioned with concern. Brom was not the sort of man to take orders unless he somehow felt obligated to do so.

"I did." Warrick said simply and limped away. I stood there a moment absorbing what Warrick had just said, then raced to catch up with him.

"Warrick," I called after him. He slowed his pace but did not stop. I walked along side him for a moment not sure what to say. This behavior was quite out of character for him. He had never overstepped his bounds before. I truly liked Warrick, but he had no right to give my men orders and to send Brom on errands.

"Warrick, I truly appreciate all you have done and you seem to want to help, alas I must confess that I'm a little uncomfortable with all of this." I said hesitantly. I did not want to offend the man, but surely he must realize how peculiar he was acting.

We were approaching the courtyard and he turned with concern, "Are you upset with me my dear?"

"Not exactly" I hesitated. "I am simply concerned that maybe--well you are behaving as if you have the right to give the men orders. Being gone for nearly a week I was concerned about the state of things at Dilston Manor, but I suppose I thought Sir Raulf or Brom would be the ones ... "I trailed off. Warrick had stopped walking and was regarding me intently.

He flicked at his mustache and seemed to be considering what I was saying. "You must trust me Thea. I promise you, you have nothing to fear from me. I am only doing what I must, to keep everyone safe; most especially you."

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