Chapter 4: Offer of Help

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I made my way down the long corridor to the guest wing. knocking on Lord and Lady Pennington's door, I waited for someone to answer. To my dismay, the door was opened by Brom Randoph. He looked at me for a moment and then stepped aside to let me pass.

Lady Pennington was sitting in a cushioned chair holding Liam who was fast asleep on her shoulder. Lord Pennington was standing at the window and it appeared that he and Brom Ramdoph were conversing.

"Pardon me if I have intruded." I said politely.

"Not at all Lady Thea. I am pleased you came to see us." Lady Pennington insisted. "I have wanted the chance to thank you again for all you have done for us. We are truly in your debt."

"Please, do call me Thea." I said, shaking my head. "I am only grateful we were able to help. I would have felt dreadful if something more serious had happened. We have tirelessly tried to maintain control of these lands but I am afraid we have little help and many of my father's men have abandoned us altogether."

Randolph, apparently never one afraid to voice his opinion spoke. "You will never be able to properly defend the land if Von Dane is behind these attacks. Your father was a great man and a great friend. I have already discussed the situation with Drake," He motioned to Lord Pennington. " I feel the need to remain here for a time and offer what assistance I may. Your father once did me a great service and I feel emphatically that I must do all that I can to help." He held up his hand to stop me from speaking and continued. "I know you think me rude and insulting. I know I have offended you with my opinions. Nonetheless, you cannot deny that you need help. If your pride will allow it, I am at your service." He gave a slight bow of respect and waited to hear my response.

I was silent for a moment contemplating his words. He was right. I wanted to deny that we needed help. Yet how could I let my pride get the better of me if he was truly sincere in his motivations?

Not wanting to make a rash decision I replied. "I am grateful for the honor you show my father even in his absence, and if I may, I will discuss you offer with Sir Gregory and the others before I give you an answer." He gave a curt nod seemingly satisfied with my reply.

Later our guests and my father's men were seated around the grand table in the dining hall enjoying what ended up being brunch. I thought this would be a good time to discuss Brom's offer with everyone present.

Directing my comments mainly to Sir Gregory I said, "Brom has offered to remain here for a time and help aid in the task of reinforcing and defense of my father's lands."

"My lady, it is a most magnanimous offer, alas I'm afraid one man will not make an impact at this point." Sir Gregory said and then turned to Sir Randolph " I do not doubt your abilities, I only fear that you do not understand the severity of the situation in full. You may live to regret this decision; and what of your obligation to Lord Pennington? He cannot afford to lose a man such as you."

Lord Pennington supplied. "He is not a man of mine per say, rather he is a good friend who has done me a great service by standing by my side these last few years. He is his own man and may choose to serve whom he will."

He continued. "I disagree with your assumption that he will not make an impact. I have full confidence in his abilities and believe you will benefit most greatly from his help."

Sir Gregory contemplated his words in silence and he looked to me. " My lady I will leave the decision to you."

The other men agreed and I was left to decide. I looked to the head of the table and at my father's empty chair and felt a stirring deep in side. Something told me that I should trust Brom Randolph and somehow I knew my father would welcome his help. "We accept your offer of assistance and offer our gratitude for your kindness." I said still looking at the empty chair.

Turing I looked at the men seated around the table. Six remained not including the guards and I wondered if Sir Gregory was right. An Idea had come to my mind some days ago and it planted root there. Suddenly I felt confidence that we could make it work.

Conversation resumed around the table and Brom and Sir Gregory began to discuss in length all that had happened since my father's and Brother's disappearance. Sir Raulf and also Lord Pennington offered their opinions. I decided that I would leave them to their discussion as there would be another time to discuss my idea with them.

"Thea, you can trust Brom. He and my husband have known each other since childhood and I can assure you, not many go up against Brom Randolph and live to tell the tale." Lady Pennington, or Jocelyn as she insisted I call her, said quietly to me. Though we were very different in personality, she was so friendly and sincere that I found it hard not to like her instantly. I found that it was nice to have someone near my own age to talk to.

Suddenly, the large doors to the dining hall swung open and thudded against the stone walls. Every head turned at the same time to see what the commotion was all about. A guard named Jacob rushed into the room. He was out of breath and seemed to have run all the way from the outer bailey.

"My lady, Sir Gregory..." He began panting and continued in gasps. "It is Von Dane, he is here and he is requesting an audience with you my lady. He insists we let him speak to you."

AN: Here comes trouble :)

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