Chapter 24: A Call For Help

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The tunnel was dark and the stone walls felt damp to the touch. The single torch I carried illuminated only enough to see a few steps in front of me. The air was bitter and cold and I shivered uncontrollably. I was not tall, and yet I would find myself bumping my head occasionally through some of the more narrow passages.

Many times I wanted to turn around and run, but I could hear a strangled voice calling for help. Something told me that time was running out and I knew I had to find the person in distress as quickly as possible.

I continued through the tunnel for several minutes, and soon I completely lost track of time. I was only aware of the voice that called out in distress.

The voice grew louder and I knew I must be close. I quickened my pace as best I could. My hands were like ice as I felt along the wall of the tunnel, I tried not to think about what insects or other unsavory creatures might be lurking beyond my sight.

I waved my torch before me, as I peered into the darkness. The light revealed the passage ended a few paces a head. It was a dead end. In discouragement I whirled around hoping to find another passage, but there was nowhere to go except back the way I had come.

I heard the voice again. Someone called for help and as I listened I could tell it came from behind the stone wall in front of me. Pressing my ear to the stone, I listened intently. The person calling for help sounded as if they were just beyond the wall. But how could that be? I shined my torch over the entire surface. Upon closer inspection, I could see that it was not a wall at all. Rather, it was a large stone blocking the passage.

Is anyone there? I called out. The person continued to call for help. I tried to push at the stone, but it would not budge. I was not strong enough to move it. I felt desperate, as I pushed and pulled with all my might.

In my struggle, I dropped my torch and the light went out. There was only darkness. With tears streaming down my face I slunk to the ground. I could feel panic overtake me and I felt hopelessness seep in.


After a time, I became aware that my head was aching intensely. I reached up and felt something damp pressed against the back of my head. It felt like a cloth. When I pulled my fingers away, something sticky remained. Blood, I thought. I tried to open my eyes but my head throbbed in protest.

Forcing my eyes open as best I could, I looked about the room, but it was dark and I could not make out where I was. I realized I was lying on my back. Feeling around me, I became aware that I was on a soft bed with pillows cushioning my head.

I became aware of voices whispering in hushed tones and fear seized me. My foggy brain tried to think, and slowly memories of being in Kenton with Brom flooded back to me. I remembered the burned home collapsing and Brom investigating what had happened. I gasped as I remembered Brom lying on the ground and then being grabbed by someone from behind. I had fallen and hit my head at some point.

But why had I been in a tunnel? And who was the person calling for help? Was it all a dream?

I moaned in frustration. The voices stopped talking and a dark figure moved toward the bed. I could tell the figure was a man. I tried to move, but the room spun around when I moved. Fearing I was about to meet my death, I searched for my dagger, it was gone.

Stepping closer, the man held up a candle, illuminating his face. I gasped.

"Welcome to my home, my lady."Edric Von Dane stood before me, the candlelight emphasizing his dark features, and revealing a familiar grin.

AN: I hope you enjoyed the story! I have had so much fun writing it and I can't wait for you all to find out what happens to Thea. Book two will follow soon, I promise! :)

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