Chapter 31: The Baron's Chambers

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After my interesting meal with Cook and the other servants, I found my mind was racing. I wanted to find Avis and question her about this secret passage Cook had spoken of. I knew, however, that if Avis was aware of an entrance she would not share the information easily. She had often scolded me over my vivid imagination as a child. She did not appreciate my pension for getting into trouble and she certainly would not care for me looking for secret passages.

Wanting to clear my head, I found myself heading toward the stables. To my relief, Brom had had made certain that Genevieve made it safely back to Dilston Manor. Feeling guilty for not visiting my beloved horse since I had been back, I went to see her.

No one was working in the stable presently. Finding Genevieve munching on a pile of hay, I leaned into her neck and she nipped at me playfully.

"Hello girl." I sighed. "Did you worry about me?"

She whinnied and went back to eating. I smoothed her mane with my hand and then sat down next to her in the stall. Leaning back against the wooden rail, I told her my tale. I told her of Edric and how he had taken me to Whitestone. I told her about all of the things I had learned while I was there; my father, my brother, Sir Gregory, my supposed betrothal to Edric, all of it.

When I was done, I sat there in silence contemplating the madness that seemed to have taken over my life.

A short time later, I left the stables in search of Avis. I needed to find out if she had any information about the secret passage, or what happened to my mysterious grandmother that I had heard very little about. Cook said she had been killed and I wondered why I had never heard the story before. Even if my grandfather had forbidden anyone to speak of it out of grief, surely stories would have trickled down through the years.

I also was surprised to learn that the abbey had not burned as long ago as I had thought. If what Cook said was true, the fire happened when my father was a tiny boy, maybe fifty years ago at the most.

I shook my head in bewilderment. Dilston Manor, the home I loved, I was realizing had many mysteries surrounding her. Were they all connected somehow?

As was my luck of late, I could not find Avis anywhere. Why was it every time I needed to find someone they had a habit of disappearing?

Evening was approaching and the household would be gathering for supper shortly. I wanted to wash my face and freshen up some before joining everyone. Walking the east corridor, I headed toward my room. When I rounded the corner, I noticed a movement from the corner of my eye. Catching sight of Warrick, I slunk back into the shadows. He appeared to be heading somewhere. Curious as to what he could be doing in this part of the manor, I followed him discreetly as possible.

I followed Warrick until he stopped in front of my father's chambers. He looked about for a moment, as if to see if anyone was near. I hid out of sight just as he looked my direction. Not seeing me, he slowly entered my father's rooms.

My head was spinning. What possibly could he be doing? With determination, I walked to the door and opened it. He had much to answer for and I would wait no longer.

Warrick stood by my father's desk. He appeared to be searching underneath the top of the desk for something.

He looked up to see me enter the room. I waited for him to make an excuse for him being in my father's chambers or to look guilty for being caught snooping. He did neither.

"Well, come in then. Close the door would you? I'd rather not anyone else know about this." Warrick said directly. Somehow the tone of his voice sounded different. The difference was disconcerting.

"Warrick, what are you doing in here? Are you snooping through my fathers belongings?" I asked with an edge to my voice.

He did not answer me, just mumbled under his breath. "I hope he hasn't found it."

"Found what. " I demanded. "Warrick you must give me a very good reason for being in here, or I will be forced to call the guards."

"Here it is." Warrick said with relief. He held up a small key.

"Blast it all Warrick, what is going on!" My palms were sweating and my heart pounding. It couldn't be?

"Quit your fussing my dear". Warrick said sternly, and yet his eyes seemed to twinkle with amusement.

Tears filled my eyes. Warricks voice was different. He sounded I was imaging things. I watched as Warrick reached up and removed his hat and with it his white hair which I realized was a wig of some sort. Then he began to peel off his mustache revealing it was also false.

There before me stood my father. His graying hair was cropped short and he did not have the full beard he normally wore. Without his false mustache and wig I could see his face clearly and noticed the long jagged scar that started just under his eye and ran down to the edge of his lip.

Reading my mind he said. "The scar is real and unfortunately my injury as well." He patted his leg. "Everything else has been a disguise."

My mind was reeling. Were my eyes deceiving me or was my father Warrick. I couldn't move, only stand there with tears streaming down my face.

"There now, no need to cry over this old goat." My father consoled me. Moving around the edge of the desk he pulled me into an affectionate hug. I let him hold me for a moment, as I collected my muddled thoughts.

I had on occasion wondered if he was my father, and yet I had discounted my feelings; certain I was only imagining he was. That it was my own longing to find him, and Warricks fatherly regard toward me that gave me such notions.

I wanted to know everything. "Father, please tell me what happened. I have so many questions. Where have you been? What happened to you and Freddy?" Then I felt my impertinence rising to the surface.

Pulling away from my father I scowled. "Why didn't you tell me before? All this time you let me believe the worst!"

"I know and I am very sorry for that. I was doing what I thought would be the best for you. By now, you know of Sir Gregory's involvement in all of this." He added as a side note. "Raulf informed me of your stay at Whitestone and of everything he told you."

"Did you not know of Edrics plan to take me to Whitestone, when he learned I was to be abducted?"

"No I did not. I was terrified when you never returned with Brom. I feared the worst and felt completely helpless. Being Warrick has restricted me more than I care for, and yet my disguise has been necessary." He leaned on the edge of the desk as if suddenly all his worries and concerns weighed heavily on him.

He continued. "I can't tell you how relived I was when Sir Raulf returned from Whitestone and informed me you were there."

"How did Sir Raulf find out where I was?" I asked.

"He and Sir Raulf have been communicating regularly. 'Edric has a bird that brings messages back and forth between the two." Father revealed.

"Really? I had no idea." I said in surprise.

Father gave a nod. "That is good, for if you haven't noticed then Gregory most likely has not either."

"Edric summoned Sir Raulf to Whitestone and that is how he found you there." Father explained.

There was so much to say, so many things that had to be explained and shared on both of our parts.

"Where did you get the name Warrick?" I asked. My father was Gavin D'Lanquet and the name Warrick hadn't the slightest resemblance.

"He was someone I knew from a long time ago-a friend. We were both young soldiers and green as they came. Our first battle, he was killed. He was like a brother to me. Somehow it seemed fitting to use his name." A shadow crossed his face.

My heart ached for him. He lost his parents-his mother when just a small boy; his wife and closest friend. If he lost Freddy, I wasn't sure he could bare it. I knew that feeling of desperation myself. I had also felt that inconsolable grief when my mother died and in those dark moments when I feared I had lost him and Freddy as well.

AN: Yay! Warrick is Thea's father.
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