Chapter 23: Kenton

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Standing in the street of Kenton, I looked around. With no one to be seen, and remains of partially burned homes and shops, there was a desolate feeling and it made me ache inside. It was a stark reminder of the brutality that had occurred only days earlier.

I glanced over at Brom, who was standing beside me. His expression was unreadable and I wondered what he was thinking. He too had experienced such devastation. I felt a sudden empathy and was more grateful than ever that he had come to Dilston manor.

Cautiously, I reached for his hand. He looked at me for a moment and then intertwined his fingers in mine. We stood there for several moments neither of us saying a word, simply feeling a small measure of comfort, as we relived painful memories.

As Brom had said, there was no indication that the people had been forced to leave. So how had they been persuaded to leave all at the same time?

"I dont know what to do anymore!" I cried in aggravation. I pulled away from Brom and began to pace back and forth. "I cant do this anymore!" I said in a strangled voice, as tears of frustration and hopelessness streamed down my face.

Brom pulled me into his arms and I buried my head in his shoulder. "Well figure this out." He vowed. "I'm not going anywhere, and I know it seems hopeless, but you have men that are loyal and true, and friends. He added sheepishly."

Pulling back I regarded him for a moment. Shaking my head, "Alas, some I cannot trust. I fear my family has been betrayed." I went on to explain how I followed Sir Raulf and how I had learned that there was a plan in place, I was sure was meant to finish off my family for good.

Brom let me go and rubbing his chin he began to pace back and forth as I had done moments earlier. He was mumbling under his breath and I could not make out what he was saying.

Suddenly he turned to me, "I have for some time suspected as much and yet I will be honest, Raulf was the last one I would have suspected to be involved in it." He began to pace again. Something does not make sense.

"I understand how you feel, I as well, could not believe it be true. And yet, I cannot discount what I heard. He is not the only player either." I interjected.

I knew we should not tarry much longer. Night was almost upon us and we had to return to Dilston manor soon.

Something crashed behind us. Turning I watched as one of the partially burned homes roof caved in. Dust and ash billowed into the air. Brom and I coughed as the soot filled our lungs.

When the dust settled we cautiously approached the remains of the home. Investigating to see if something or someone had disturbed the unstable structure, we searched the area. Brom motioned for me to remain where I was and he disappeared around back. I did not like being left to wait, but the look he gave me said he would not take any argument.

After waiting for what felt like hours, I decided to just peek around and see what Brom was up to. If everything was fine he could scold me later. Thats when I heard a thud as if someone had fallen to the ground. Coming around the side of the crumbled structure I saw a dark figure on the ground and as I approached I recognized Broms form. I was about to run to him, when a hand reached out and covered my mouth and I was pulled into a firm grip.

I fought against my assailant, trying to break free from his grip. I flung my head back and connected with his nose. He groaned in pain and I felt his grip ease slightly. I managed to break free, but even as I did, I could feel him reaching for me again. He caught hold of my sleeve and I fought him off. Thrown off balance, I tripped and fell to the ground with a thud. As I landed on the ground, my head smacked against something hard and the world went dark.


Some time later, I became aware that I was being carried. I fought for consciousness but my mind was foggy and the darkness came over me again.

Brief moments of consciousness would continue to come to me but I could not stay awake long enough for my mind to grasp what was happening. 

At one point I was aware of male voices speaking to one another. I then felt my body being lifted into another pair of strong arms. I moaned at the movement, pain shooting through my skull.

I was aware of movement and slight rocking as if I were in a carraige. The voices were speaking again. I tried to understand what they were saying.

One man sounded angry with the other. "I gave explicit instructions that she was not to be harmed!"

There was a muffled reply of apology. "She fell and I could not catch her before she hit her head." The other voice explained.

"That is no excuse for your carelessness!" The first voice boomed.

The back of my head throbbed with pain and I moaned. I felt strong arms holding me tighter.

I wanted to protest and brake free. I could not grasp what was happening to me, but I knew the situation was not good. As another throbbing sensation pounded at the back of my skull, I felt my self slip into unconscious and I knew no more.

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