Chapter Four

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- Arrival -

Authors note-  (picture above: Emery)

Mina's POV:

The first thing that hit me when I regained consciousness was a splitting sore headache. It was like a million hammers were attacking my skull from the inside. 

It took me a few minutes to gain enough energy to open my eyes and look around. As soon as I did, I wish I hadn't. I have never felt fear like I did in that moment. 

My hands were tied behind my back and I was shackled to a wall in what looked to be an old asylum styled room. Hospital beds, not comfortable, more likely to be solid. 

The place was fairly clean and no one else seemed to be here. I checked around the room, gathering my bearings, looking for a possible escape route. 

If I could find a window, hopefully i'm on the ground floor...

Footsteps became audible, coming down the corridor. It sounded like two people walking. My heart began beating rapidly as tears began to sting my eyes. I consider myself to be a strong woman but when you're in a situation like this, it's hard to compose yourself. 

'I sensed you had awakened.' A man I did not recognise stated as he entered the room followed by another man which I didn't recognise. They both stood at the bottom of the bed eyeing me from head to toe. Making sure to take all of me in as if examining me. 

'Why am I here?' I asked quietly afraid my voice would shake and give away my fear. 

A rule I've always lived by, never show fear. It's what allows someone to beat you without even trying too hard. You can't crumble and you can't fall. Must keep a calm. Don't let them know.

'That isn't important at the moment but we do need to ask you a few questions if that's alright with you?' The first one with the sandy blonde hair spoke. As for the other man, he remained silent for now. 

'I'm not sure if I want to.' I tried to go for brave and defiant. But that didn't really go too far.

'Oh, it wasn't a question dear.' His face is extremely hard to read. I can't tell if he is pissed, irritated or calm. It is very frustrating. 

'Well then with those options, then I guess I will answer your questions.' I said with as much sarcasm on the word 'options' as I possibly could. 

'Right then. Ok i'm going to run through some personal details first. Name?'





'5ft 9'



'are you a virgin?'

I was completely taken aback by this random and extremely personal question. My face burnt up and i'm sure I look like a human tomato. I don't know whether to answer the question or continue staring wide eyed at the man. 

'This is vital information that we need to know before we even think about carrying out the procedure, things must go as planned and these details are things we must know.' Yet again no emotion evident on his facial features giving me a sense of talking to a robot who is programmed to speak but can't show any human emotions along side that. 


'okaayyy...good...good' He muttered under his breath as the other man wrote down my answers. 

'That's all the questions I have for you. You've been very helpful and i'm sure you will feel at home here soon. My name is Emery, forgive me for not introducing myself at the start. This is Hector.' He said motioning to the man with the fiery red hair standing to his left. 

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