Chapter Ten

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- Recovery -

*Very Mature Content*

Mina's POV:

I felt my senses returning to me one by one. First came my scent, I could smell Raiden's aftershave, an icy sort of aroma. Then my taste, there was a drop of the medicine still sitting on my tongue.

My touch, I could feel the soft silk sheets enveloping my body, which feels like it's floating. My hearing, I could faintly make out the rustling sound of someone hurriedly searching through sheets of paper.

Finally I regain my sight, I spend a few seconds moving my eyes back and forth across the ceiling, getting used to using my eyes again.

Then I attempted to push myself up and look around the room for Raiden. But that's not what happened, I ended up groaning as my muscles ache severely from the altercation.

'Mina! you're finally awake.' He sounded startled but then came over to the bed and eased me back down onto the mattress.

'You mustn't use anymore strength your body is still restoring itself and it may take a few days till you feel normal again .' He continued.

'What's happening to my body.' I asked slightly afraid of the possabilities.

'A good part of your soul has been ripped from your body and now that I've repaired most of it, it'll take some time to adjust.'

'O-okay.' Was all I could manage, it made me shiver just the thought of going hours without my life force. Correction, most of my life force. Shouldn't I be dead?

I waited for a response that never came until I realised that I never actually voiced that thought, so I cleared my throat and tried again.

'Shouldn't I be dead?' Nailed it.

'If all of your soul was sucked out of you then, yes you would be. But only a part of it, some was still left inside which kept you alive.' For the most part Raiden's face was emotionless but then a slight hint of...something crossed those bright grey eyes of his.

Was it, worry, concern? Couldn't be. Demons feel nothing unless it's hate, rage, lust, greed. They don't feel sympathetic or even empathetic.

He could sense that I was studying him intently and broke eye contact to walk over to a cabinet at the other end of the room and retrieve a small glass bottle filled with the same blue liquid that he gave me earlier. Walking back to my side he spoke,

'You must take this twice a day to get better. If you run out of it which you shouldn't, this should last you till you get well again, but tell me and I will make you some more.' He poured some onto a silver spoon that sat on the bedside table and motioned me to open up. Which I did.

Yet again that tangy, salty, sour taste clashed with my taste buds sending them into a frenzy of protest but I had no choice but to take the rotten stuff. The saying goes, 'the most disgusting medicine is always the most effective.' 

I make a face that resembles a child when it gets fed something terrible. Raiden noticed this and chuckled. A deep and sexy sound. 

Why are my thoughts so wild right now? I mentally slapped myself and focused on the taste of the medicine.

'Thanks.' I said unsure of what I was supposed to say to someone who had just spoon fed me something that tasted real bad? After all what did I say to doctors when they gave me similar stuff? I doubt i'd say thanks, but it seems like an appropriate thing to say given the circumstances.

'You're welcome, you will rest here until tomorrow and then you may return to your own room. It is entirely too risky to move you in your current state. You are still far too weak and any drastic movements could damage your body. 

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