Chapter Twelve

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- Confrontation -

*Slightly Mature Content* 

Mina's POV:

I arrived outside of Emery's room within minutes. I must have stood outside the door for what seemed like hours, my palms growing more sweaty by the second. My hand then flew up and knocked on the door on its own accord. 

Biting my lip and holding my breath, I waited for some sound or a voice to become audible from the other side of the door... but no noise came. And neither did the voice.

I took that as an indication that he wasn't in his room, so the only other place he could be is his office!

Flying back down the stairs and hurrying to his office door. Pausing to catch my breath I hear two voices which sound like Emery and ..... Alrik? What the fuck! How come I wasn't told that he was let out? They are talking, heatedly... about.... me? 

I can barely make them out so I press my ear as close into the door as I can and cup my hand around it for a better sound. 

'It is almost time, not long now. Have you prepared everything?' 

'Yes sir, I have had a lot of time to think and have been preparing the ceremony for days now. It should be to your satisfaction.' 

'I appreciate your efforts, you understand why I assigned you this job, right?' 

'Yes, it was to redeem myself to you and the rest of them.' 

'Correct, and to let you know that you are off the hook, you have done well my friend.'

'Thank you Sir.'

'Keep a close eye on Mina, we don't want her to find out now do we?'

'No Sir.' 

I couldn't take anymore but didn't think it would do me any favours if I exposed their little secret without trying to find out more. So I barged straight into his office and flung the doors wide open.

Emery was sitting behind his desk in his work clothes, Alrik was leaning against a bookcase with his hands in his pockets. Emery was taken aback by my sudden burst into the room he just stared, shocked for a moment before finding his voice, 

'What the hell do you think you're doing barging into my office without my permission!?' His voice stern and his stare cold. 

'I think we are a little past that, don't you?' I reply, matching his glare. 

'You're excused!' He shouted at Alrik. 

With haste Alrik left the room, closing the doors behind him, leaving us. 

'What are you babbling on about Mina?' He said frustrated and shuffling through his papers. 

'You know what! Don't act like you haven't a clue! You know damn well what went on last night between the two of us so don't you pretend like it never happened, or that it's all in my head type of bullshit! Cause i'm very aware that it was very real.' Breathing heavily as I take in as much air as my lungs will hold. Awaiting for his outburst at my words.

'Mina, I'm only going to tell you this once. Leave now before I lose my temper.' He ordered.

'No! I am not leaving until we talk about what went on between us last night, I deserve an explanation asshole!' And with that Emery rises to his feet and slams his fist down onto the table, causing papers to fly off onto the floor. 

'Nothing happened! Alright Mina! Nothing went on between us, I used you for my own pleasure! That was all, I used you!' His face burning with fury.

I slowly walked toward him, showing no fear as I stood, glaring up at him. 

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