Chapter Thirteen

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- Sacrifice -

That Night---------- 

Mina's POV:

I spent what seemed like an eternity in darkness thinking that, this was it. That's how it ended huh? One moment that changed everything. 

But then to realise that I wasn't dead, but merely unconscious. As light started to blind my vision I knew I was waking up. 

But to what? I have absolutely no idea...

voices were the first thing I heard, more like mumbling, nothing clear enough to make out. All my senses taking a while to get back to me. 

'She's waking up now, Sir.' I hear Hector's voice. 

'Good, we can't afford to wait any longer. It must be tonight.' Another's voice answered him.

I looked around me and saw all of them working quickly like they were on some sort of time limit. There were candles, hundreds of candles. 

Terrified I then realise that I am bound to a massive stone. My wrists, waist and ankles. All tied down. The rock is uncomfortable and cold, god is it cold! 

I then see Emery pass by with a .... dagger. 

oh no! shit! no!

That's when I start screaming.

Emery darted beside me and grabbed my jaw between his thumb and index finger yanking my face in his direction,

'Shut. Up! You should know by now no one is going to come to your rescue if you scream, so you might as well save that little voice of yours. There will be plenty of time to scream later. But as for now, we need silence.' Then he let go. 

So I was silent... mainly fearing that I would get another slap or chocked again. 

I looked over to Hector and prayed that he would turn around and meet my eyes. And somehow find it in him, from the bottom of his heart to help me. 

But he was too occupied reading out loud from a black spell book, bound with the thorns of a long dead rose. 

Everyone of them was set hard on their task. Raiden crushing herbs by the table of candles. Mixing them into all sorts of horrible discoloured potions. 

Emery, blessing the dagger which I knew was going to be the blade that ended my life. 

Alrik, lighting even more candles. 

Declan, closing all the window shutters in the room, to block out every last drop of moonlight. 

All of this taking place around me, and there isn't a single thing I can do about it. There is no saving me now. 

My plan went completely shit faced and couldn't have ended up with a more horrific outcome. 

So this is it? This is what they have been planning from the very beginning? Fuck it! I've got nothing left to lose.

'Hector, Please think about this for a moment. We're friends aren't we? You can't let this happen.' I pleaded, hoping that he would call the whole thing off.

'I said be quiet!' Emery slapped me with force making my neck snap to the side, causing a sharp pain to spread across the side of my face.

'No! I deserve to know what's going on! I deserve to know what you're going to do to me!' Tears began to fill my eyes and his face, above mine, started swimming as if it were a blurry reflection in a pool of water. 

'You don't deserve anything siren! You tricked us! You tricked me! And if there is one thing that I hate with all of my being is being lied to. In fact the only thing you deserve is the punishment that comes with decieving our kind!' There was no talking to him. His eyes held nothing but anger. 

'So this is how it's going to end?' I whispered to no one in particular. Tears began to spill from my eyes, down the sides of my face and creating damp patches on the stone that lay beneath. 

'I'm afraid so little one.' Raiden hadn't said much to me at all but, even he isn't going to do anything. There's no hope left for me. 

I have to stop this. Although I have no idea how i'm going to do that. There's gotta be something. Anything. If It's true and I am what they say I am then I must have some sort of supernatural abilities that come along with my blood line. 

I begin searching inside my mind. For something. 

I don't even know what I'm looking for...

Raiden comes to my side and lifts my head, I try to struggle but he is too strong for me and forces the potion into my mouth, trickling along my tongue and down my throat. Soon it starts to take affect and my body begins to feel all tingly and numb.

Come on Mina! Please think of something...

Emery then comes to stand by me while the others gather around my 'death bed'...

Fuck! Hurry up please!!!

'Wait!' I screamed, 

'Please I'm begging you! I'm so sorry.' 

'No, we are sorry. There is no mercy here, Mina.' I'm too late.

I shut my eyes tight as Emery raises the dagger above his head as he begins to chant the final words of the ritual...

'We the sons of the fallen...' He begins...

Then it came to me!

'accept this carrier as our sacrifice...'

Sirens, do have supernatural abilities!...

'Mina! Will hereby be the source of our immortal life!...

Fuck! What is the power?!... 

'And make our strengths anew...' 

Mind control! That's it! Especially the minds of men.

Emery aims the dagger above my heart, before I will the power within me to work, with everything I had in me.

And then... their minds go completely blank.

But it's too late Emery already had the dagger in motion, but I guess, in a way, my power saved my life. Instead of the dagger piercing my heart it fell into my left shoulder.

And then I screamed.

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