Chapter Eight

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- Drained -

Mina's POV:

I lay in my bed focusing on my breathing, trying to calm my active mind. I can't believe I kissed Emery and Declan in the one night. The people that are keeping me captive here. Could I ever live happily in this place? No! Don't even think about it Mina. What a fucking stupid thing to ask yourself, of course you couldn't. Just go to sleep. 

The Next Day ---------


I woke to the sound of someone shouting, or more specifically Alrik shouting. I groaned into my pillow before mustering the strength to get up and get dressed. This is all I need after a very eventful, tiring night, Alrik's still in a bad mood. if not an even worse one. 

I decide to miss a shower this morning. I quickly throw on some clothes, a grey jumper and some plain jeans. Walking out of my room I hurry to where I heard Alrik's voice. Don't ask me why I'm getting myself into another possible fight because I honestly haven't a clue. I turn a corner and smack right into Alrik, who seems to be in a mad rush. Or just speed walking for some unknown reason. 

'Watch where the fuck you're going!' He growled at me. Eyes screaming with fury.

'You watch where the fuck you're going! I came to see what all the fuss is about?' I crossed my arms over my chest and waited impatiently, letting him know that I'm not afraid of him but rather irritated by him. 

'It has nothing to do with you, human.' He spat the word venomously. 

'Okay-y then. Just next time you think you could be a little quieter when you're throwing a tantrum because some people are still asleep.' I sneered and turned my back walking away down the hall, in the direction of my room. 

But Alrik isn't letting me get away with that. He grabbed my shoulder, hard, and spun me around. Next thing I knew my back and head connected violently with a wall. Dazed, it took me a few seconds to grasp what was happening. He slammed his hands on either side of my head. 

'Don't try me Mina. You have no idea what i'm capable of.' He stated practically seething at this point. 

'You really think that because you're an immortal, a supposedly superior being than me, that it gives you an advantage and I should automatically cower in a corner?' Seeing the shocked/pissed look on his face I continued,

'Well guess what. I don't give a shit what you are or how important you think you are compared to me.' Satisfied when I see he spends a few extra seconds speechless. 

What happened next was not expected. Alrik grabbed my throat and drew me face so close to his we nearly clashed heads. I could feel his furious breath on my skin as he looked as if he was about to kiss me instead he brought his mouth inches from mine but not touching then, my eyes glazed over and I began to feel my head spin. Everything was going blurry, swirling, twisting, spinning. All energy seemed to be dragged from my body. Abandoning me. 

He kept a tight grip on my waist to hold me up against his body as I had no more energy to support myself. My legs felt non-existent. My head falling back as my vision goes black. 

Hector's POV:

After waking up and getting dressed, I decide to head for some breakfast. I'm thinking toast today. 

But a loud 'CRACK!' stops me in my tracks and I change direction, making for the noise. 

Coming around a corner into another corridor, the one Mina's bedroom is in, I am shocked by the sight that meets my eyes. Alrik holding a barely alive Mina.

'Let her go!' I shout, making Alrik snap his head up in an animalistic manner. He lets her go and she falls like a rag doll to the ground. Her skin so pale, I would think she was dead if it weren't for the slight rise and fall of her chest. 

'You were told not to touch her. Not yet. Everyone else has been patient Alrik, you can't just do what you want, when the rest of us are following Emery's rules. You know that he must be informed of this?' I picked up Mina's limp body and headed to Raiden's room. He was a doctor a few decades ago, he should be able to fix this.

I sent a telepathic message to Declan summoning him to come collect his brother and take him to Emery's office. 

Seconds later Declan replied 'on my way.' 

Alrik's POV:

I stood still rooted to the ground. My feet didn't seem to want to move. I nearly killed Mina, all because my temper got the best of me. What the fuck is wrong with me. I can't afford to mess up this time. This time it's too important, too much is counting on her. Her soul. 

When Declan arrived to lead me to Emery the first thing he did was slap me hard across my face. No words were exchanged, verbally, but mainly a bunch of telepathic curses from his part. I remained silent. I could feel my cheek growing red as the stinging sensation was still present. 

Declan practically flung me into Emery's office. I stumbled toward the couch as I was reluctant to look into his piercing gaze. I knew that someone had also alerted Emery, of course he was the one that had to deal with me in the end. 

'This isn't the first time this has happened, is it Alrik?' I shook my head slowly meeting his cold eyes. 

'Lucky for you, you didn't kill her. Not this time anyway. You've fucked up our plans before. After you were done with your whining and petty shit we had to go out again and look for another. I am sick and tired of you messing up and expecting the rest of us to clean it up for you!' I just sat and took it. What more could I do? 

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