Chapter Eleven

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- Bonding -

The morning after------------

Mina's POV:

I awoke to an empty space beside me. 

Had last night been a dream? A very vivid and wet dream?

There wasn't a note in sight that a lover may leave behind after sex, like in the movies. Had he been embarrassed and left before I woke up? Was I so bad that he didn't want to look at me?

A hundred possibilities ran wild in my head. I pushed those thoughts aside for the time being, meanwhile I must shower. Already having no clothes to remove I just turned on the hot water and stepped inside. 

I then remembered a saying my mum used to tell me,

'Don't fall for the trick of love, for it is a lie that your heart tells your head.'

This was of course before she met Alan and they were instantly inseparable constantly referring to themselves as, and I quote 'soul mates.'  

She never spoke against love again. I always guessed it was because of her divorce with my dad. And how harsh that was, she became mentally ill for sometime afterwards for there wasn't anyone to look after her and support her in the way she needed. 

Being a single mother was definitely took it's toll on her. She worked part time on two jobs just to get by and pay for the rent, clothes, food, etc.

 Given that I was only around 6 at the time, I could not understand what was happening to my mother or why she would lock herself in her bedroom for days, before she could muster the strength to get out of bed and take care of me. 

She is a good mum, don't get me wrong, it's just that my dad seemed to take a big part of her when he left our lives, forever.

Alan was the crutch she needed to become stable again both financially and mentally. They are good for each other and make each other happy, which is why I decided to leave home and let them truly have a life together. 

As I know that's what's best for everyone. 

45 minutes later -----------

I had finished getting dressed and headed down for my usual frosties breakfast. This was at least something to look forward to today. What I was not looking forward to was seeing Emery. Jesus! I have no idea how he's gonna react when he sees me! Will he smile? Will he shout? Will he pretend like it never even happened? 

Okay, I need to stop myself right there. I have been watching far too many dramas and i'm getting a little carried away with the possibilities here. Let's just take a breather and see what the day brings, be it good or bad. 

Finally making it into the kitchen I sort myself a nice big bowl of sugar loaded cereal. Thankfully the kitchen is empty and there isn't even the sound of someone near by. Either they have all decided to sleep in or they are already up and doing work or whatever it is they do. 

The morning sun was always my favourite, I love to just stare out of the window and watch the sky change all sorts of colours. From pink to peach, yellow to orange, lilac to violet. It just amazes me how the sun can cast all of these beautiful colours.

So lost in my own thoughts I didn't even hear anyone come in, so when a hand tapped me on the shoulder I jumped and nearly sent my frosties flying across the table. 

I turned to see Hector standing a little behind me trying as hard as he possible can to hold back a smirk. 

'I said, good morning.' Finally allowing the smirk to show. 

'Sorry, I was...I-was away in a world of my own.' I shyly replied, slightly embarrassed. 

'You don't sayyy.' Dragging out the last word in a taunting tone he laughed.

Hector sat down beside me after making himself some porridge mixed with some fresh blueberries. 

'Going for a healthy breakfast, I see.' Smiling as I ate another spoonful of my breakfast, that could possibly give me type 2 diabetes. 

'Yeh pretty much. And I see you've went for the unhealthiest breakfast possible.' His sense of humour quickly making him more appealing. 

'They are amazinnggg! Have you ever even tried them?' 

'Nope.' He said shrugging. 

'Well why don't you try it first before you start speak badly upon them?' It wasn't really a question, I got a spoonful ready and gave him a taste test. Before awaiting his verdict. 

'Hmm, not bad to tell you truth.' His face in full concentration as he examined the flavor on his taste buds.

'But... I think I will stick to my usual.' Hector finished. 

'Well I can't blame you, I like my usual breakfast as well. It would be very hard for me to change that.' His eyes on me taking in everything I said. 

'Hey, how come the rest of the manor is so... dead?' I asked him.

'Mostly either in their rooms or at work.' Hector replied. 

That means I can go to Emery's room and hopefully he will be there. I don't think he has work today, and anyways he works from home so if he's not in his room, he'll be in his office. 

'Ok, great! I-I mean that's alright then. Just worried that they had all vanished. I'm sure if I hadn't seen you this morning then I would have gone mad.' I made a mock shocked face.

'I'm sure a few hours on your own wouldn't make you mad but in your case... maybe a little loopy.' He smirked and finished his porridge before collecting both bowls. 

'Thank you, but you don't have to clean up after me I could have done that.' 

Turning his head to look at me he replied,

'Nah it's fine I'm cleaning up anyways.' Showing me a smile, which I then returned it and left the room. 

Now all I have to do is find Emery. This is not gonna be a fun conversation. Oh Mina, why do you always get yourself into complicated situations? 

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