Taking Their Powers

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Sailor Cosmos and Sir Edmond stopped running and destransformed.

"Hahahaha," they laughed.

"That was really awsome," said Zach.

Usagi stopped laughing and smiled brightly, "Yeah it was."

They stood there in silence until Usagi said, "Well I better go bye."

"Bye Usagi see you tomorrow."

They parted ways to go home.

*Meanwhile with the temple*

The senshi and Mamoru gathered in the Cherry Hill Temple to discuss about the new senshi and knight.

Everyone was talking at the same time so you couldn't here anything they said. Rei was the only one silent and she was getting angry at hearing everyone talking at the same time.

"Be quiet," said Rei angrily.

Everyone quited down waiting for her to say something.

"Okay everyone I know you want to know about Sailor Cosmos and Sir Edmond. This is why I need to consult the sacred fire. So BE QUIET!!!!"

Everyone flinched at the angry Rei. They knew she was scary when angry. So they only nodded.

Rei sat and concentrated on Sailor Cosmos and Sir Edmond.

"Oh great sacred fire tell me who Sailor Cosmos and Sir Edmond are."

They waited for a few minutes and then the sacred fire grew tall.

Everyone got away as fast as they coul. The a voice spoke.

"How dare you command me. You betrayer. You betrayed Princess Serenity. You will no longer be able to read from me and I shall take your powers. That goes for the rest of you your all betrayers of the White Moon."

The powers of the senshi began coming out if them. They all began feeling weak and dropped to the floor.

"Who gave you the right to take our powers away," said Rei angrily.

"Those powers belong to us," many more voices were heard now

"Who are you," screamed Ami.

"We are the planets of the solar system you guys betrayed the White Moon you shall no longer have these power. We will find people more worthy of these powers."

The fire the died down and the senshi relaxed a bit, but they were stiil angry.

How did there planets know they betrayed the White Moon. One name came to their minds.

'Usagi,' they growled.

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