Motoki's Lost Memories

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"Wow," said Motoki at the end. "So let me get this straight you were the princess of the moon 1,000 years ago and were engaged to Mamoru, but an evil lady destroyed everything so you were reborn here and now your Sailor Moon, but the other scouts betrayed you and know they are no longer scouts and your Sailor Cosmos now and you save the world with other people."

Everyone nodded.

"Look Motoki, I know this a lot to process, but can you keep this a secret," Usagi asked.

Motoki sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "I got no choice do I."

"Nope," everyone except him said.

"Okay okay," Motoki said.

"Guys do you hear that," Sakura said.

"They're trying to break in through the attic," Zach said.

"Okay guys we gotta transform," Usagi said standing up.

Everyone nodded and stood up.

Usagi sighed and yelled, "Cosmic moon power make up."

"Venus star power make up."

"Mercury star power make up."

Zach closed his eyes.

Then there were flashes of lights that were really bright that Motoki closed his eyes.

When the lights were gone he ipend his eyes and saw Sailor Cosmos, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Venus, and Sir Edmond.

"Wow," Motoki said looking at them, "but Usagi what I do."

Usagi smiled softly, "Motoki you were once part of the kingdom and lived in the palace remember."

Motoki was confused, but he tried to remember. After a few seconds he saw a little girl in a garden. The little girl was picking up some pimk amaryllis'. This girl kind of reminded him of Usagi.

He then heard someone calling, "Sere, Sere." Motoki then turned around and was shocked at what he saw.

There was a boy who looked a little older than the girl and that looked exactly like him.

"Sere come on mommy is calling us. She said we have to go meet the princess of mars," the little boy said at what Motoki supposed was Sere.

"But Satoshi I don't want to meet Princess Reina she's a meany. She made me trip last week at dinner when I was walking to my seat," Sere said pouting.

"But Sere we have to plus I'll protect you from that meany," Satoshi said puffing his chest out.

"Yay thanks Satoshi your the best brother ever," Sere said standing up and hugging him.

Motoki was shocked so this Sere girl was his sister.

"Hahaha no problem Sere," Satoshi said hugging her back. He then let go and kneeled down and picked up a flower.

"Here for you," Satoshi said handing thee flower to Sere.

"Thank you big brother," Sere said gettiing the flower and puttting it in her hair smiling.

"Your welcome come on now Sere we have to go with mommy," Satoshi said pulling Sere into the palace.

"Okay," Sere said smiling and that was the last thing Motoki saw before everything became blury and then saw he was back in the living room.

He looked up at Usagi who was smiling softly, "Do you remember now Satoshi."

"Sere my sister my dear little sister," what was what Motoki said before pulling her into a hug.

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